Chapter 4

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Stick around, just like cigarette smoke.
Like a dream, I fell asleep, but I never woke.

| Can't Let Go - VALNTN (ft. Emilia Ali) |


The early morning sun tears through the windows in her room and she doesn't know if she wants to smile or cuss. There were no windows in her bedroom in the apartment with Lilah. She doesn't remember if she had windows in her family home.

She's always wanted them until now.

People relentlessly knocked and called out and knocked again on her door during the night but Ava didn't move a muscle. To hell with their fucked up sleeping cycle. She needed to get rest and now she has.

She finally unlocks the door after showering and dressing in a tight-fitted grey crew-neck and some tight dark pants. Lily's pleasant face greets her with an uneasy smile.

"I've brought you breakfast." She says, her gold-blue eyes glimmering. "William wants you to eat with the family but I bought you some time."

Ava frowns at the fresh waffles, cut-up strawberries and what smells like really expensive coffee. "All this is for me?"

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned or spiked. You didn't eat anything all day, so I got you my favorite."

"Why are you being so nice? I tried to kill you." Ava says, pulling away from the door to let her in.

"Tried, yes." She walks in and places the silver tray on the bed. Ava's mouth waters against her will. "No offense taken."

Lily must be out of her mind. "You know who I am, don't you? You know what I do for a living?" Did.

Lily turns back and raises a brow. "Are you trying to scare me?"

Ava watches her. "You aren't scared. And that's a problem. You walk into my room like you know I won't hurt you."

Lily just laughs and heads to exit the room. "You can take today off as well, but you need to come down tomorrow and William will let you know what you need to do."

When Ava doesn't reply, she turns back with questioning eyes. Shock shutters through Ava but she tries her best to hide it. Those eyes. She knows those eyes.

"Is that okay?"

She idly nods and stares at the spot Lily was in. Ava must really be losing her shit already. Ava's mind races to answer the questions those eyes raised but it all comes to a dead end. Blue eyes rimmed with gold.

Worse than that is what Lily said. Take today off as well. Is this her job now? She can't stay in her room and pretend things are normal. She needs to mingle with them, meet new people, and make friends with her enemies.

It has been long since Ava felt this unhinged.


The dreaded day arrives with Lily walking in with a knowing smile. Ava sighs and turns to the dresser. Expensive clothes, well-cut fabric. Despite herself, she had spent several hours picking around every corner of the room. Her bathroom is fully stocked with everything she could need, her wardrobe is filled with silk pajamas as well as respectable dresses and pretty skirts.

"Does it matter what I wear?" She doesn't mind being a bit fancy. For the first time in a long time, Ava wants to look pretty.

"Looking cute won't do any harm," Lily says. Can't disagree with that logic.

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