Chapter 82

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A sob of frustration and relief bleeds from her lips. Ava pushes herself up on her wrists, gaze swinging to the commotion behind her. There are only some men standing, one too close to her.

His focus is fixed on the door, where Lily no longer stands. Ava draws in a harsh breath, forcing her eyes to sharpen. Letting her autopilot kick in, Ava is grateful to find out that her aim hits home even when she is drugged.

She lashes her leg out, catching the man square in the crotch. He doubles over and Ava snatches his MP5 with a wince. Ava reclines before putting enough bullets in his chest to tear through his vest and spray blood on her.

Her gaze swipes over to the window, at the figure eclipsing the light from it. Ivak.

No, he's not blocking it. He's trying to escape. Ava raises her gun and gets three bullets in him before he's thrown out of the window. The remaining two men fall from shots Ava doesn't see.

Wet, gargling breaths are the only sound in the room before Ava's ears pop. Her awareness trickles back to her, in sudden, sharp waves. Ava casts her eyes over to the door.

"L-Lily?" Ava stutters.

Nothing. Ava begins to question her reality as the silence stretches on. God, did she get hurt?

"Stay right there, Ava" Lily's voice rings out loud and clear. Ava's heart does a flip, and sends a silent prayer to whatever is above her, watching over her. "I'll be with you in a second."

And just in time, Lily barges into the room with three people in tow. Ava's eyes roam her sister as Lily drops her weapon on the bed and rushes towards her.

Lily carefully wraps her arms around Ava and she bows into her sister. Tears flood down her cheeks as Lily rubs her shaking shoulders. "I thought they hurt you. He said he—"

"He didn't." Lily pulls her back and those blue eyes are like a punch to Ava's gut. "I'm okay. My friends are okay.

Ava nods before her face crumples further, "Ivan."

"We will find him." Determination tightens Lily's bold face.

"No." Ava says before drawing in a wet breath herself. She frowns, noticing her vision become hazy once more. Ava breathes in and out once more as her friends search the bodies. She needs to fill Lily in before she passes out.

"Pandora. He said he informed Pandora about our location. Dale...they're alive—they have taken him. The might not be Ivan." Ava finishes, but her eyes are drooping.

Lily takes a moment to take the information in but concern lines her brows. "What's happening, Ava? What did he do?"

"He injected me with..." Ava tries but the word falters in her mouth and Ava goes swinging forward. Lily tightens her hold around her shoulders.

"Okay, okay." Lily says. "Sarge, pass me the stim."

Ava's breathing becomes shallow. Something is wrong, Ava can feel it. It is different from the effect of any tranquilizer. She is tempered to most of them. There is no reason why she should...

"I hit my head hard." Ava says, fear holding her captive once more."It hurt a lot. Maybe—"

"No," Sarge's voice floats around her. "That's not it, Lily. Look."

Lily's sharp inhale does nothing to stir Ava. Whatever it is, she doesn't want to see it. Trepidation along with a sense of doom grips her, holding her hostage.

"Ava," Lily's voice is strained. "You've been hit."

Shit. Ava groans. Shit, shit, shit. How did she not know? How did she not feel it?

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