Chapter 12

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I can feel my lonely heart, beating fast,
screaming out every time that you're around.
Oh, I knew it from the start.
Hungry eyes.
You're the Devil in disguise.

| RBYN - Angel \


The mission would be carried out tomorrow, at three in the afternoon, when the whole of Silvestro's family will be at their weakest. Four helicopters would circle the parameters; SWAT teams would lead our Agents.

Neil and Jon would already be planting defeat in the core of the house. Two men would be needed to execute the destruction born from me alone.

It was the sole motivation to not sulk when I was looking through the blueprints of the house one last time. They needed me, I knew that. But Dale was childish enough to risk it. Not that his men weren't good at their jobs.

But they still were quick to take me for granted.

Neil and Jon weren't built to just disappear. They aren't made to take on different personas, and develop different personalities to seduce, trick and ultimately kill.

A pair of hands slide down my body from behind. Neil's spicy cologne fills the air. His cool mouth drags over the channels of my throat and I shiver.

"What are you doing?"

A needed distraction. I tilt my neck to give better access. His hands dipped through the hem of my t-shirt, cupping my breasts. I let out a long exhale and melted into his grip.

"Just going over everything once more." I replied.

His laugh was a whisper, harsher than usual. "They don't deserve you, you know."

I look over my shoulder. "What?"

"You work really hard, and I know you're trying to prove it to them. I don't know how they don't see that." His mouth pressed close to mine. He hardly knew me, but it's like he could see through me. In that moment, I truly felt like he understood me more than anyone.

Even though there are a lot of things I wish he didn't do to me.

"Thank you for saying that."

"No problem, babe. I'm just here to remind you that you're good at a lot of things."

"Like what?"

He didn't blink before saying, "Well, for starters, you use teeth. You have me coming so fast."

I grinned, rising from the chair and facing him. He locked his arms around my hips. I let mine drop around his neck. "Dale is very eager to let you replace me."

"It's not like that." He ensured. "Nobody can replace you."

I thought about it for a while. "Yeah, you're right."

He patted my ass. "Anyway, I came to say sorry about the other day. For making you late, and well, you know."

He could never properly talk about emotions and I never really took it personally. No one dealt with my emotions and my pain better than I did. I had stopped expecting it from other people. Or maybe I still did, but just not from Neil. He didn't fill that role.

So I brushed it off. "That's okay. It was his fault."

"I know." He set his forehead against mine. "So, I have a plan."

"Ooh. Do spill."

"I can sneak you into the mission."

I gaped at him.

"No one would know. I'm going in alone, so I can take you."

I had to tighten my grip on his arms to contain myself from jumping up and down. "You can do that?"

A wry twist of lips. "If you forgive me, hell yeah."

I did a little dance. He watched as I had my little moment. "If Dale finds out, he will destroy me."

"Or you could stay here, watch as we do all the fun stuff, hear them hand us vital information as a trade for their lives. Watch as we break apart their cartels, use some of your gadgets—"

"Okay. Okay! I'm coming." I shouted. "There's no way I'm staying here."

"Good girl."

I gave an excited smile, running my finger down his hard chest. "Thank you."

His grin turned devilish. He kissed me, and then with me in his lap, we talked through the whole process of the next day's mission. Every so often, when I would dive in too deep processing the data, his hand would curl into my hair, haul my face towards his and bite my cheek.

I liked him. I liked him a lot. That's why I sometimes let so many things slide. Even though I knew he could never match upto Julian, who I also knew was unattainable.

Finally, when time had drifted to five in the morning, we'd called it a night. But instead of heading toward his room, he'd followed me to my apartment. Made sure everything was okay, and then left when I was soundly asleep.

And those few hours had taught me a lesson.

Mayhem isn't just the opposite of peace, but also a sequel.


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