Chapter 83

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Just before they touch down, Ava's breathing becomes laboured. She doesn't remember how she got from the jet to the car. Ava vaguely hears Lily's phone going off but only becomes fully conscious after Lily hangs up and stares at Ava with an expression that is all bad news.

"Ren can't fix this, we need someone better." Lily says, but she is hardly audible over the roaring in Ava's ears.

"Am I..." Ava says. "Dying?"

Lily is quiet for a while and Ava slips again. Her sister's head whips to the front, staring out of the windshield. "I should have done a better job of protecting you. I'm sorry I let you down. But I won't let you die, Ava."

"We can't take her to the hospital." Ava is surprised to hear Alec's voice. She turns her head to find a familiar dark head full of close-cropped hair. "It's too risky."

"More risky than her dying?" Lily snaps at Alec.

He has the good sense not to snap back. "Lily, we can't make any moves like that until we find Ivan. You know what can happen."

Ava lets out a low moan, breathing becoming difficult. She is no longer actively bleeding, but the blood loss from before mixed with whatever they injected her with is close to rendering her absolutely useless.

"What else can we do?" Lily says out loud and something strikes Ava.

Lilah. Her best friend, her ex-roommate. She's a surgeon in training. She has to know what to do with Ava.

No. She can't take this to Lilah. Lilah deserves to live a life without any of Ava's ugliness. She doesn't deserve to see Ava like this.

"If not this, then what?" Lily asks. Alec remains silent and the silent war inside Ava hits a new low.

"We're losing her." Lily grinds out to break the silence that stretched on long enough for Ava to touch the void that's been waiting for her. The sweet, unending expanse of death. She sees it, feels it cooling her skin down.


"I don't want to go." A voice speaks, close enough to be her own. "Please,"

One Week Later

Ava sips on the cup of coffee as she hears Lilah and her sister talk in the kitchen. She hears Lilah's laugh and gives her own head a little shake before taking another sip. She made it too bitter.

But she likes that. She has always preferred instant coffee.

"Are you okay with pork chops tonight?" Lilah's voice floats over after the laugh. Lily has become a comedian ever since she met Lilah. Ava is way too high on pain medication to care, though she has not once missed the way they look at each other.

It's too weird.

"Anything is good, Lulu." Ava mutters. Her voice hasn't recovered well after what happened last week.

Last week. A bullet in her body, the ambush.


Ava draws in a shuddering breath, setting her cup of coffee down. Her stomach squeezes, saliva rushing into her mouth. Ava seals her mouth shut, pressing a hand to her middle.

"What's wrong?" Lilah says, rushing over. "Are you going to be sick?"

Lily follows suit, crouching next to Ava. "Breathe, breathe. You can't keep throwing up every meal you eat."

"It's not a choice," Ava grinds out.

"I didn't say it was. I just need you to breathe and start taking all your medications." Lily shakes her head, passing Lilah a look. Ava doesn't like that. She pushes off the couch, rushing past the two ladies and heading straight for the washroom.

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