Chapter 18

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Pain explodes in her body as she regains a mere thread of consciousness. She can feel her body fighting violently against the poison in her blood, pulse thundering with effort and exhaustion.

"When is she going to wake up?" William's deep voice breaks through her little cloud.

"She's fine, thank you for asking." The other voice is unfamiliar, and uncharacteristically calm and playful compared to William's evasive tone. "She was immune. It was just potent and her body probably hadn't been exposed to it in a very long time."

Ava doesn't know if William was quiet for a while or she just drifted off.

"Whereas if it had been you who consumed the poison..." The man gives a small laugh.

"You would have loved that, huh?" William's cutting voice says. He has friends? Who would talk to the Underlord like that?

"She saved your life. If she hadn't had your drink, we would not have found all the other interesting, deadly things smartly planted to take you out." His voice is teasing. Ava tries to think, but it seems like her brain is asleep.

"So maybe you should be more worried about your life than hers. She is much harder to kill than you." The man snides more, speaking through a smile.

"Who the fuck uses poison anymore?"

The man hums. "Cowards. Rats. Someone high-profile. Almost everyone. Some people are elegant, Ivan."

There is a moment of silence long enough to make Ava believe she imagined everything. Ivan? Is that a heavy Italian accent? Is she dreaming up the most ridiculous conversation ever. Then the strange man speaks again.

"I hope you're about to write off half your fortune to this pretty girl." Footsteps edge closer to Ava. "Such a delicate thing, surviving such a vicious poison."

"She's not on sale, Viktor." William's voice is low, voice suddenly not joking around anymore. Or maybe Ava is dead.

"Such a shame. If she's immune to all these poisons, she must be immune to venoms also. Maybe she can even—"

"That's enough." William speaks through a smile, vicious. "Haven't I warned you about this before?"

"Si, certo, corretto." Viktor mumbles, then sighs dramatically. "I'll be off now. Nausea, pain and dizziness can be expected. But if she bleeds from anywhere, you call me immediately."

And just like that, Ava is gone again.


She wakes up in a warm cocoon. The warmth spreads from the tip of her toes to the roots of her hair. It flows throughout her body, and someone is stroking her hair.

Ava lets out a sound of serenity.

"Shh," A female voice tells her. "You're supposed to be asleep."


The stroking stops and she feels the touch of a hand on hers. Ava tries to hold it, but her body doesn't allow her a single movement. She tries again. Nothing.

Her body won't move.

Horror and fear choke Ava, but even emotions come fogged. She tries to move her toes, her mouth - something, but everything fails her. Oh, God.

She can't be in a coma again. She can't.

Hot tears roll down Ava's cheeks and it instantly catches Svetlana's attention. She comes closer to Ava, her voice gentle as she says, "You're okay."

It does nothing to null the black fear rooted in her stomach.

She clutches Ava's hand harder. "I know you can hear me. You're okay. You've been given the antidote, and some sedatives. Go back to sleep. You will be awake in a while, and you will feel okay."

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