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Hi all! I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I changed the ending to this book but everything else stayed the same. Also if you're not a first-time reader please don't comment any spoilers.❤️❤️

I pulled my hoodie over my head before grabbing my keys and heading outside. This is my first time going out alone in this town, I always go with my friends, since it's safer that way. I'm a freshman in college and I live about five minutes from campus.

I took a left turn and walked a little bit faster. I don't even know if I'm heading in the direction of the grocery store. I think I am, Google says it's seven minutes away.

A truck started slacking next to me before it stopped on the side of the road. I frowned before getting out of their way and walking a little faster.

I heard the engine stopping and my eyes widened when a man covered in tattoos climbed out of the vehicle. I looked around me in panic but the streets were empty. I clutched my bag a little closer to my chest as I continued my walk in fear.

The man waved at me so I just lifted my hand in a greeting manner before speed walking down the road.

Suddenly he started walking faster until he caught up to me and my heart started pounding faster in my chest.

"Hi." He said and I looked down at the ground to avoid any sort of eye contact with him.

"Hi," I said in fear but I kept walking.

"Want to go for a drive?" He asked in a heavy accented voice and I ignored him. He roughly gripped my wrist before making me face him. "I asked you a question." He said angrily.

"No," I answered him in fear.

"Wrong answer." He said before placing a cloth over my mouth and nose. I tried to pry his hands from my face but it was to no avail.

I just wanted to go grocery shopping, I thought to myself before everything around me became blurry. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek as I slipped into a forced slumber.

Stay safe my beautiful queens.

Follow me on Instagram: @aurorascarrr❤️

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