• Time •

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Jorde and I were sitting in a restaurant at the airport while we ate our breakfast.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me and I shrugged lightly.

"Like shit. I want Calix to come walking through those doors to stop me but I know that it will never happen." I told Jorde and he nodded.

"You love him don't you?" Jorde asked and I nodded.

"I do," I said under my breath and my appetite suddenly disappeared.

"You know it's not always gonna hurt. You're gonna get to a place one day where you feel okay with what happened and with how your life turned out." Jorde said and I frowned at him.

"Are you sure?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Of course I'm sure. I've been there, you're too young to be this broken Nevaeh." He said and I bit into my bottom lip.

"You're right," I told him and he placed his hand on mine so I just smiled at him.

Jorde looked down to his watch and both of his eyebrows shot up.

"Where did the time go? We need to go." He said and I got up while he called the waiter over to pay the bill.

We walked towards the plane and every step that I took felt like torture. I placed my hand in Jorde's as we walked up the stairs.

"Nevaeh!" Someone called and I let out a heavy breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I turned around and saw my idiot brother standing at the bottom of the stairs. I ran into his arms and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

I started crying as he tightly held me to his chest.

"Dad's here too, we're taking you home Nevaeh," Vicente said before wiping my cheeks dry so I nodded.

I hugged our father and he placed a kiss on top of my head.

"Calix will rue the day that he hurt my little girl." He said blankly. "I will give you the world, mija. I have been longing to hold you in my arms since the day that you left us." He said and another tear rolled down my cheek.

"Nevaeh?" Jorde called so I frowned before turning around to face him.

"I'm sorry Jorde. I can't, I have to be with my family." I told him and he briefly looked away from me.

"Well, I won't hold you back." He said before hugging me. "Don't forget what I told you." He said before pecking my cheek and I nodded.

"I'll see you again," I told him and he nodded.

"See you again." He said with a perfect smile on his face before walking away from me. I turned back around and joined the two men in front of me in a hug.

We exited the airport and entered a private building nearby. We got into a private jet and took our places inside.

"Vicente?" I called.

"Hmm?" He asked and I nervously breathed out.

"Have you gotten the results back?" I asked and he nodded a bit hesitant. "Did you tell Calix?" I asked carefully and he nodded again.

"And he still doesn't care," I said under my breath.

"Listen hermana I'm not gonna defend his behavior but he's just in a weird place right now. I think he needs some time, also he left Bulgaria last night." Vicente said so I nodded with a quivering lip and teary eyes.

"I understand," I said softly before wrapping the blanket on my legs around my body.

He gave up on us.

Vicente changed the topic between us when he saw the look on my face. I mostly just listened to him talk he's so cool and he's not even trying. He's like a total badass. But he's also nice just like he was the first time that I met him.

After our flight, we drove down to the Morales residence. There was a huge mansion on a hill. We stopped in front of a tall gate where our faces were scanned.

This is so weird. I feel weird, this lifestyle is going to be a huge adaption because this time it's mine too. I pursed my lips when Vicente smiled over at me.

We stopped in front of the mansion and I walked behind Vicente and our father towards the large house.

"Welcome home little sister." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Thank you, big brother," I said and he shrugged.

"You're welcome pip." He said and I chuckled at him.

"Come on mija, I'll show you to your room." My father said so I nodded. Vicente disappeared down the hallway before I followed our father upstairs.

He opened the door to a beautiful room and the first thing I noticed was the mini library in the right corner of the room. The walls were painted with light shades, white and light purple. It was beautiful it even had fairy lights. And pictures of me, Calix, Vicente, and Kelly were neatly arranged against the wall.

I hugged the man next to me and felt his arms wrap around me.

"Can I please know my full story?" I asked and he frowned at me. "Why did you give me up for adoption and what happened to my biological mother?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course mija." He said before taking a seat on a chair and I climbed onto my bed before crossing my legs.

"Your mother and I were a normal family, happy. We had the perfect life and an incredible son.

But your mom wanted to have one more child. And then we finally had you, Nevaeh. The most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. From the first moment that I held you in my arms, I knew that my only duty would be to protect you." He said before sighing.

"Please go on," I said softly and he nodded.

"As I said we used to be happy but my past caught up to me. I have done some bad things in the past and those things caught up to not only me but to my entire family.

Your mother insisted on giving you up for adoption because we were starting to fail in protecting you but I refused.

Until one night-" he suddenly paused and I frowned. "sólo dame un momento". Just give me a moment. He said so I nodded.

"The enemy broke into our house and he tried to harm you. But instead, he harmed your mother." He said and my breath got stuck in my throat.

"She died protecting you and it was because of my stupidity. I should've listened." He said so I shook my head.

"No, if anyone is to blame it's me," I said and he frowned at me.

"Don't ever say that again mija." He said and I nodded.

"Then neither should you," I told him and his jaw clenched.

"That is the only reason why I gave you up for adoption. Because your life was in constant danger. In these parts of Spain, you're royalty.

Now all we have to do is make it known to them so that they can know not to mess with you." He said and I frowned a little before nodding.

"That's the only way that people will stop trying to harm you. Do you know what you have to do?" He asked and I nodded.

"I have to become part of the mafia," I said and he nodded.

"That's right, mija." He said and my heart started pounding faster in my chest.

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