• The Ball •

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Ranked number 1 in #mafiaboss.😭🥳🥳🥳 Let's go!❤️

Calix placed his hand in mine as we walked down the red carpet. We went inside and Vicente came walking over to us.

His mansion looks like a palace on the inside. The marble floors were shiny and beautiful paintings tattooed the ceiling.

People were dancing and laughing while drinking wine. The women were all wearing beautiful gowns and the men looked all too dashing in their suits.

Vicente kissed both of my cheeks before dabbing Calix up.

"You look beautiful, Nevaeh," Vicente said and Calix smiled at us.

"Thank you. You too." I said and he smiled.

"Of course. Of course." He said before he called a waiter over then he showed us a tray with champagne on it. I shook my head remembering that nasty drink, the martini or something.

"I'm okay," I said and Vicente seemed surprised.

"If it's because of your age, you don't have to worry. I got this." He said and I smiled in disbelief.

"She doesn't like the taste," Calix explained.

"Ah," Vicente said in realization.

"Just give her Ciroc. Apple." He said and I smiled a little.

He remembers.

"Classy," Vicente said before looking at the waiter who nodded before heading off to go find the Ciroc.

"Calix, son." A man said from behind us so we turned around.

"Father," Vicente said with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Jose," Calix said before shaking the man's hand.

"Is it her?" He asked them in wonder and they both nodded at the man. "Jose Morales." He said before stretching his hand out to me.

"Nevaeh Hart," I said before shaking his hand.

They spoke in Spanish and once again all I could make out was mama and hermana. What are they talking about? Calix said something while looking at me and they suddenly went quiet before staring at me.

Oh no, what did he tell them?

"Is there something on my face?" I asked and they shook their heads in unison.

"You're diabetic?" Jose asked and I nodded. He said something in Spanish and I frowned deeply. Why is he angry?

"No puedes confiar en nadie." He said before walking away from the two men and me. I'm gonna memorize that and google it.

"Don't mind him. He's in a bad mood, this ball is in honor of my late mother." Vicente explained to me and I nodded.

"And I look just like her," I said in realization. "Can I see her?" I asked and Vicente nodded before holding his arm out to me so I laced my arm with his before walking off with him.

I looked back and saw Calix talking to Lexi. Just awesome.

Vicente led us into a room before opening another door.

"Mom's closet." He said and my jaw dropped. There were beautiful diamond tiaras in glass boxes as well as rings and necklaces.

I looked at Vicente and he smiled at me.

"Why are you showing me this? I wanted to see your mom." I told him and he shook his head at me.

"Still so impatient." He said like someone who knows me from the past.

"Do you like it?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I guess but it's too flashy you can't wear those in public anymore unless you want to get mugged," I explained and he nodded.

"True." He said before opening a drawer. The light in the room shined blue. I like that, it adds to the whole royalty vibe.

I went over to Vicente and saw a bunch of pictures in the drawer along with photo albums.

"My mom was a model." He said and I smiled. That's kinda cool. I lifted the picture and my eyes widened.

"Shocked?" He asked and I looked at the photograph in disbelief.

"This is obviously photoshopped," I said blankly.

"Now you know why I said you were a lucky girl." He said before clasping his hands together.

"Is this why you kidnapped me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"There are certain things that you don't know and it's best if we keep it that way." He said and I frowned lightly before walking out of the room.

I'm tired of these secrets. Screw him and everyone else for not telling me the truth.

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