• In The Dark •

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I woke up in a dark room. It was so small I could feel the walls pressing against my arms and legs.

I felt my head throbbing as I painfully sat upright, memories of what happened to me came flooding through my mind. My legs suddenly went numb and my heart started pounding faster in my chest.

I searched for my bag but it was no longer with me. I started crying helplessly before pulling my knees up to my chest.

My parents will come looking for me, I know they will. They'll notice that I'm missing, right?

Calm down Nevaeh.

I jumped in fear when I heard a loud bang coming from outside. My eyes were wide open as I tried to find the source of the sound, even though the room was pitch black.

The door flung open and daylight streamed inside the room. I looked around me and found coffins surrounding me. I screamed at the top of my lungs before stumbling backward until I landed flat on my butt.

"Easy kitten." I heard a smooth voice.

"Stay back!" I said violently.

"I won't bite." He said in the same tone.

"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone." I begged.

"You won't tell?" He asked curiously and I looked up to see him but the shadows covered his face.

"I'll pretend like this never happened," I said in a promising tone.

"You're not from around where my men found you, are you?" He asked and I carefully looked at him.

"You can tell?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes." He said before grabbing my wrist and pulling me up. I looked up and was met by a pair of green eyes staring back at me. His sculpted jaw was clenched and his lips were a dark shade of pink. And his eyes were green.

Wait... Why does his eyes remind me of Shrek?

"Don't look so surprised baby girl." He said smoothly before letting go of my arm. I rubbed the sensitive skin on my wrist before looking at the man in front of me.

"What's your name?" He asked blankly.

"T-Tina," I replied hesitantly.

"What's your real name, I don't have time for this bullshit." He said harshly.

"Nevaeh." I spat the words out before looking down at my feet.

"Heaven spelled backward." He said before grabbing my arm again and heading outside.

We walked past about fifty girls lying in a tiny hallway. They were barely dressed, hell they were barely breathing. I gulped before sucking in a shaky breath.

"If you play your cards right..." He told me with a smirk on his perfect face. I won't end up here with them, like them.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked in fear.

"Did I say you can talk?" He asked rudely so I shut up.

We stepped outside and pain shot up in my eyes. When my eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight I looked around me in panic.

We were on an empty cement field. I noticed a large house a few meters away from us. Where the heck am I?

"You know you can't kidnap people as you please." I raised my opinion.

"Shut! The! Fuck! Up!" He roared into my face before wrapping his hand around my neck. My back was pushed against a cold wall. "You know something about this town, Nevaeh?" He asked me and I just watched him in fear. "I can kidnap you! And nobody would give a fuck!" He said before grabbing my arm once more and pulling me towards the house with him.

I tried to catch my breath while he dragged me behind him.

"My parents will come looking for me," I said pointedly.

"If you say another fucking word. I will punish you." He said coldly and my breath got stuck in my throat. Oh no, he's going to torture me before killing me.

What if he rapes me?

I shut up and walked with him to the front door of the mansion. He opened the door before glaring down at me.

"You'll be fine." He said under his breath before going into the house and I frowned deeply.

What the fuck? What does he mean I'll be fine? I frowned before walking into the house. It was probably the fanciest house I had ever been in. We then walked into a large living room.

A man with a big belly sat on a cream-colored couch next to a woman in an elegant dress. I noticed two identical boys sitting on a couch opposite the man and woman, they seemed to be around my age. I frowned again before my eyes landed on a little girl. Oh, she's so cute! My heart melted at the toothy smile she gave me.

"Mom, Dad." The tattooed man next to me said and I frowned before looking up at him. He placed his hand in mine before holding onto it.

"This is my girlfriend, Nevaeh." He announced thoughtlessly.

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