• Earned It •

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The next morning Martha woke me up. She gave me breakfast in bed to which I thanked her.

I wonder, do all kidnappers treat their victims like this?

I ate the delicious meal in front of me and realized how hungry I was. When last did I eat a decent meal?

I drank some of Martha's delicious coffee before sighing in contentment.

"Miss Nevaeh, the don would like to see you in his office," Martha said while grabbing my plate and cup.

Oh God, I'm too ashamed to face him this early in the morning. I got out of the lingerie and covered myself with a silky robe.

Much better.

I went down the hallway to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard his husky voice so I opened the door. His eyes ran over my body so I shifted in my spot.

"You called me?" I asked curiously.

"Baby girl, I need you to take your insulin and stay in your bedroom until I come to get you," Calix said and I frowned.

"Again?" I asked in fear and he nodded. "You don't have to be afraid, I'll always come back for you." He said and for some reason I trusted him.

I went downstairs and took my insulin before going back upstairs. I used the bathroom in our room to take a shower.

"Help!" I heard a woman screaming and my eyes widened. I quickly wrapped a towel around my body before leaving the room.

I saw a woman lying on the floor so I carefully walked toward her.

The woman smiled at me before lifting her gun and pointing it at me. She pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes in fear, a loud gunshot went off and a gasp left my mouth.

"Nevaeh!" I heard a vague voice calling me. "Didn't I fucking tell you to stay in your room?" Calix angrily asked me once I opened my eyes.

"But she needed help," I said in my defense.

"I'm gonna punish you Nevaeh." He said in a low voice. "You disobeyed me." He continued.

"But I didn't know," I said weakly.

"You knew, Nevaeh. If you don't stay here until I'm back you're gonna regret it." He said before angrily walking away from me. I went back into my bedroom before I exhaled a deep breath.

Shit, what's he gonna do to me?

I got dressed into a black dress with a low v-neck. I made my bed before pulling on my heels.

I decided to read a book while I waited for Calix. I wonder where Martha is. Did Calix send her home?

I ran a hand through my hair before sighing. I never thought I would say this but I'm sick of reading.

A few more hours went by but Calix still didn't come back. It's nine pm and he left at ten am. Fuck punishment, what if something happened to him.

I opened my bedroom door before going down the hallway. The house was quiet so I went to Calix's office, the light was still burning.

I pushed the door open and found him sitting on top of his desk, scribbling away on a bunch of papers.

He went to work!?

"Are you serious?" I asked angrily and he slowly looked up at me. "I thought you were dead or something," I said wildly.

"What did I tell you, Nevaeh?" He asked me through a clenched jaw.

"Why do I have to be in my room all day? I thought people were trying to kill me and here you are doing work." I said in frustration.

"People were trying to kill you," Calix said pointedly. "Now go back to bed, you've earned your punishment." He said and my eyes widened.

"Calix please," I said weakly. 

"Nevaeh." He said in a thick voice so I obeyed. I went back to my room and the door opened behind me.

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