• Good Girl •

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I woke up on a small bed. I sat upright and looked around me in panic. I removed the IV from my arm before sneaking out of the room.

There was not a single soul in sight so I darted down the hallway. Where am I? I bumped into something hard so I groaned before looking up.

Oh no! It's Calix.

"Were you just trying to escape?" He asked me in an amused tone.

"No, I need to go to the bathroom." I lied and he shrugged before moving out of my way.

"If- you were trying to escape, you can forget about it. The house is surrounded by my men." He said and I sucked in a deep breath before entering the bathroom. I peed before washing my hands and looking at myself in the mirror. God, I look awful.

"Calix?" I called as soon as I got outside the bathroom. "Daddy?" I called and a maid poked her head around a wall to look at me in shock.

"Daddy?" I repeated on purpose and the woman's eyes widened even more so I suppressed my laughter.

"In here." I heard him say. I followed his voice and found him sitting behind a desk.

"How are you feeling Heaven?" He asked so I sat down across from him.

"Better I guess. I need to take a shower." I said and he nodded at me. "And I need another shot."

"Grab something to wear from my closet and you can use my shower gel." He said before running a hand through his hair. "Ask Martha to give you another shot." He said pointedly.

"I can do it myself. I'm not a child." I said before leaving the room. But whatever daddy says.

I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt from Calix's closet. I noticed a pack of lingerie panties lying on a shelf and I grabbed it without hesitation. They could've bought a bra too.

I went back to the bathroom and took a shower while I was at it. This is the best thing since sliced bread. 

When I was done in the shower I dried myself with a towel. I pulled the lingerie on before pulling on Shrek's huge clothes. I probably look like a thirteen-year-old boy now but oh well.

I neatly folded my dirty clothes and placed them in an empty laundry basket before leaving the bathroom.

I went downstairs and tried not to get lost in Calix's gigantic house. I saw a woman mopping the floor so I stopped in my tracks.

"Martha?" I asked and she turned around to look at me.

"Miss Nevaeh." She said with a smile on her face. "How are you feeling?" She asked in concern.

"I'm okay, I guess," I said and she nodded at me. "Calix said that I should get my insulin from you," I said and she nodded.

"Here you go." She said before grabbing it from a glass box in the refrigerator.

I thanked her before going back upstairs. I went into Calix's bedroom and pulled the syringe out.

The door creaked open and revealed Calix. When I was done fixing my shot I looked up at him.

"Can you hold my shirt up?" I asked him and he nodded before coming over to me. He gently lifted my shirt with his tattooed and calloused hand.

I injected myself five centimeters below my belly button and removed the needle when I was done.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded at him. He let go of my shirt before looking into my eyes. He has really beautiful eyes. And I should probably stop calling him Shrek because of it.

"I need better clothes," I said seriously and he nodded at me.

"If you want we can go shopping right now." He said before looking at his watch.

"Uhm, okay," I said before walking after him. When we got outside he opened the door to a black Maserati for me. So I slid onto the passenger seat.


Calix leaned over me before buckling my seatbelt. Why does he keep doing that? I thanked him anyway before relaxing in my seat.

As we drove through the city people looked at Calix's car but they were quick to remove their gazes from it. We stopped in front of a large building. The words Dolce & Gabbana caught my eyes and my jaw dropped.

Calix got out of the car before coming around to open my door for me. I placed my hand in his and we walked into the fancy store together with one of his bodyguards following behind us.

"Try something on," Calix said before taking a seat on a couch. I sighed before looking through the racks of clothing.

I grabbed a few outfits and took them into the fitting room. I pulled on a short black mini-skirt before pairing it with a brown see-through button-down crop top, which made my black bra beneath it visible.

I gave Calix his oversized clothes back before grabbing a pair of high heels.

"Can you put them on for me?" I asked Calix and he raised a single eyebrow at me. "My belly still hurts from earlier so I can't do it." I lied and he grabbed the shoes from me.

I slipped my foot into the shoe and he fixed the strap for me, I did the same with my other foot and Calix's hand slid up my leg and I sucked in a deep breath.

He smirked before moving his hand closer to my inner thighs.

"Calix," I said under my breath and he stood up from the ground. He told the bodyguard to grab all of the clothes that I chose and I frowned.

"I don't need all of it," I said pointedly.

"But you want it." He said in a husky tone then he paid for it at the front and made his bodyguard carry the bags to where the car was parked.

Calix drove down the street and stopped in front of a shop named lingerie.

He opened my door for me once more before taking my hand in his. We went into the shop but this time he made his bodyguard stay outside.

Calix picked out the kinkiest ones there were and I blushed a deep shade of red because people were starting to stare at us. He held onto my hips before examining my body.

He picked out a black matching set and told me to go try it on. I took it from him and went into the dressing room. It's not like he'll ever see me in it.

I took my clothes off before pulling the lacy black thong and bra on. Calix entered the room and my eyes widened in shock.

He placed his hands on my ass before turning me around. I watched us in the mirror and his hand stopped at the band of the thong and I gulped.

His other hand rested on my boob so I bit into my bottom lip.

"Be a good girl and stay quiet." He whispered into my ear so I nodded. His hand slid into my panties-

"Uhm miss are you okay in there?" A woman's voice came from outside the fitting room and my eyes widened.

"Uh... Y-Yes." I breathed out and Calix lustfully looked at my body. He hit my ass when I picked my dress up from the floor and I bit into my bottom lip.

He grabbed a hand full of my ass before he placed his hand on the lace fabric covering my clit. He placed his free hand on my mouth just when I moaned at his finger rubbing against my throbbing clit.

"You have to earn it." He whispered into my ear before walking out of the dressing room. When I looked at myself in the mirror my cheeks were beet red.

I quickly got dressed before going back outside.

His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now