• I Remember •

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Five Months Later

Significa exactamente eso

"It means exactly that!" I yelled excitedly. Everyone at the table looked at me as if I was an alien.

"I can understand Spanish!" I said and they frowned at me.

"Because you've been learning it for the past year," my dad said and I smiled.

"Holy shit what didn't I do last year?" I asked and they laughed. "Ask me something in Spanish," I said and my dad and Kelly smiled.

"¿Crees que la comida es deliciosa?" Do you think the food is delicious? Mano asked me and I smiled.

"Sí, creo que es delicioso!" I yelled before smiling. "I'm getting closer, right?" I asked and they nodded.

"So how did it go at the meeting yesterday?" I asked and there was silence. "Please tell me," I said tiredly.

"He kept asking for you," Vicente said before clenching his jaw.

"The families decided that Stone could stay in his position. He's a great asset to the mafia but he has to be himself from now on." My dad said and I frowned.

"How did his parents take it?" Kelly asked and Vicente sighed.

"They said they always had a feeling," Vicente said softly.

"Cadelaria doesn't deserve this." My dad said softly.

"So we're just accepting him back into our family? He erased my memory and he lied to all of us about everything." I said angrily.

"She wasn't ready." My dad said and a thought crossed my mind. She's not ready boss. 

I grabbed a knife from off the counter before holding it against my wrist.

Vicente grabbed the knife from me and I started to cry.

"Give it back!" I yelled but he refused.

"Are you insane?" He asked and my dad stood up from his seat.

"Just give it back!" I yelled as my memories slowly started coming back.

"Nevaeh don't," Kelly said in fear as I grabbed another knife. I have to remember.

"Put the knife down!" Vicente said angrily.

"I remember," I said in pain and the room dawned in silence.

"Okay put the knife down-" Vicente said softly.

"Stop saying that!" I yelled as I remembered that Calix said those exact same words. He's not Calix, his name is Stone. I've never been with Calix Vasquez.

"Do you need anything?" Kelly asked so I shook my head before putting the knife down.

"Just leave me alone," I said in a strained voice and they silently left the room.

I wiped my cheeks dry as memories of Calix flashed through my mind. 

Every touch, every smile, every laugh, and every fight, I remember all of it.

I stood up from my seat and went upstairs to my room. I splashed my face with cold water before drying it with a towel.

I went to Carmella's room and picked her up out of her crib. He made me forget my baby, how could he?

"Mommy's here now," I told her before placing a kiss on her forehead. I sat down on the floor with Carmella in my arms.

"I'm sorry," I told her as she was playing with my hair.

"Nevaeh-" Kelly said from the door.

"Go ahead," I said softly.

"I'm sorry." She said softly. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this." She said before sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know how to feel," I told her and she nodded in understanding.

"Just take your time." She said softly.

"I wish I didn't remember. I wish I never met-"

"Baby don't say something you'll regret later," Kelly said softly so I nodded.

I placed Carmella on the carpet before sighing.

"I just don't understand it. All of it was just a lie. Even when he told me that he loved me. How can you do that to someone? He told me that he killed the real Calix Vasquez. Then he pretended to be him for seven years. He's a monster, Kelly. Kira and Stone who took me back to Bulgaria are his closest friends." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"And I was so weak, I kept forgiving him. He humiliated me and I still said yes when he asked me to marry him." I said before crying silently.

"This is my fault. Carmella deserves so much better. I ruined everything." I said and Kelly shook her head.

"It's not your fault." She said.

"Yes, it is!" I snapped at her.

"So what happens now?" Kelly asked softly.

"I just want to see him. I have to know why." I said and Kelly nodded in understanding.

"Well, I'm gonna give you some space," Kelly said before picking Carmella up. "I love you." She said and I nodded.

"Love you too," I said as she left my room. I took a shower before getting into some sweatpants and sneakers. 

I even changed my wardrobe because he said so. I never like high heels and fancy dresses but I wore them for him. God, I'm stupid.

I pulled my hair into a bun on my head before going downstairs. I went outside and asked one of our drivers to take me to Stone's mansion. I grabbed my phone before I made an extremely important phone call. I can't let him get away with what he's done. I ended the phone call before I placed my phone aside, I looked down at my hands and found that they were shaking.

My driver dropped me off in front of Stone's house so I thanked him but he stopped me mid-sentence.

"Miss Nevaeh," the driver interrupted me before he handed his gun over to me. I nervously gulped before I took the gun from him, I placed the gun in my bag before going up to the front door of Stone's mansion. 

I sucked in a deep breath before opening the door. I searched the house for Stone until I spotted a pair of white sneakers. I walked closer to the glass door and spotted Stone sitting at the table next to the pool. He was wearing an all-black outfit and a pair of white sneakers.

I opened the door and only then did he notice me. He seemed to be drunk or high because his eyes were bloodshot red. I've never seen him like this before.

"Nevaeh?" He asked so I sat down across from him.

"Stone," I said and he frowned.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in confusion.

"How could you?" I asked and his face went blank.

"You remember." He said so I took the gun out of my bag before pointing it at him.

"You should be dead Stone, not the real Calix Vasquez. You killed an innocent boy, and then you took his identity. You're the one that should've died seven years ago." I said blankly. "You don't deserve the life that he had, you stole it from him just like you stole everything from me," I said before taking the safety off the gun.

"Put the gun down," Stone said angrily.

"I'm not your fucking puppet anymore," I said angrily before pulling the trigger.

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