• It's Complicated •

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Sheriff Reynolds parked in front of a grocery store and we went inside. We grabbed the necessary things like toiletries and clothes before paying at the front.

When we were done we went back to her car. I feel so free and happy. I looked up at the sky before thanking god and climbing into the car.

We stopped in front of a hotel. And I frowned deeply. We need to get out of Paris as soon as possible.

"We have to spend the night here. A friend of mine can get your passport ready by tomorrow night and then we can get you home." She said and I nodded.

"Won't they find us here?" I asked and she shook her head. "They might but let's hope they don't." She said before climbing out of the car.

I climbed out and followed the sheriff inside. We got a room for the night under a false name before going upstairs.

This place looks dodgy as fuck. I'm not gonna lie.

The sheriff unlocked the door before going inside. I closed the door behind us before sitting on the bed.

"Thank you so much. Sheriff Reynolds." I said gratefully.

"After everything, we just went through you can call me, Kira." She said with a smile on her face. "And don't thank me just yet. Thank me when I reunite you with your family." She told me so I nodded.

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern. "Did they hurt you?" She asked and I knew what she was getting at.

"No. It wasn't like that. I'm perfectly fine. They even gave me my insulin, food, and a bedroom of my own. But they did keep me there against my will so-" I said slowly.

"Are you sure?" She asked so I nodded.

"Yeah. Uhm... I was kidnapped and I want to go home." I said softly. "People are like trying to kill me. That's why we came to France."

"When are they going back to Spain?" She asked and I frowned.

"We were supposed to go back on Friday but now that I'm gone I don't know," I told her and she nodded.

"Listen Navaeh. The friend that I told you about. He and I worked on your case since you disappeared. And it was rumored that you dated Vasquez." She said slowly.

"It's complicated," I told her.

"Right because you were kidnapped and kept there against your will." She said slowly. "Have you had intercourse with Mr Vasquez or Mr Morales?" She asked and I frowned at her.

Eew, not Vicente, he's my brother. No, he's not! He's a liar. And Calix-

"No," I said awkwardly. "That's not of importance right now," I said softly. "How late will your buddy get here?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

"Tomorrow night at eight." She said before getting up from the bed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She explained before leaving the room. Great she's leaving me alone in a creepy hotel room to go take a shower.

I grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I gathered some toiletries before grabbing some sneakers. I went outside and locked the door behind me before going into the bathroom.

I took a nice, warm shower and washed my hair while I was at it. I dried myself with a towel before pulling the t-shirt over my head.

I pulled some plain panties on before pulling the jeans up my legs. I pulled some socks on before slipping the sneakers on.

I headed back outside and saw our door kicked open. I heard Vicente and Calix talking so I ran back to the bathroom.

Where the fuck is Kira? Did they find her? I calmed myself down before going into a stall. I stood against the locked door.

I heard someone entering the bathroom and my eyes widened.

"Navaeh?" They called in a whisper. "It's me, Kira." She said loudly so I sighed before opening the door to my stall.

She came inside and closed the door behind her.

"Escape plan two." She said before looking out the window. She pulled her hair into a bun before breathing out.

"Seriously? I just showered." I yelled at her in a whisper and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Suck it up, kid." She said and I groaned.

"Come on." She said so I climbed onto her hand before climbing out of the window.

I pulled her up until she was outside.

"Ouch, my boobs." She said while bending over in pain. I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Next time I'm going out first." She said angrily.

"Like there's gonna be a next time," I said before going down some stairs.

"Fuck. My phone is still inside." She said and I breathed through my nose in frustration.

"Let's get out of here." She said tiredly.

We spotted an Uber standing on a curb so we went over to it.

"Hi," Kira said and my eyes widened.

"Are you Bojing Wang?" The driver asked before showing us a photo of a grandpa and we nodded.

"He's our grandfather," I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay let's go, ladies." The driver said so we climbed into the car.

"We changed our location," Kira said blankly. "25 Blunt Street." She said and the driver nodded.

Wait where are we going?

Kira is acting sus...👀🚩🚩🚩

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