• The City Of Love •

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Calix's arm was wrapped around my shoulder as we walked into the large building. I don't like airports. They remind me of what I can't have.

He placed a kiss on the side of my head when we went into a separate building with two private jets inside.


"Calix Vasquez," I said and he smiled down at me. Before taking my hand and leading us into the plane. He buckled my seatbelt before sitting down next to me.

"Brother." We heard Vicente say as he came walking towards us. "Nevaeh." He said and Calix dabbed him up.

"She's still mad," Vicente said and I glared at him. "You know some things never change." He said and I looked at him as if he was dumb because what does that even mean?

"Well I won't make the rest of the ride unpleasant for you so I'll leave you two." He said before leaving then he froze before turning back around.

"You two have become rather fond of each other, haven't you?" He asked Calix and I frowned at him.

"Yes, we have," Calix replied blankly and Vicente's jaw clenched. "Closer than you can imagine," Calix said before placing his hand on my thigh and my eyes widened.

Wait why is Vicente getting mad if I have sex with Calix?

He angrily told Calix something in Spanish before walking away from us.

"What did he say?" I asked and Calix shrugged.

"He told me to back off," Calix said and I frowned before resting my head on his shoulder.

"Lunatic," I said before closing my eyes.

"Hey, Bubba. Don't sleep." Calix said softly so I opened my eyes. "Look." He said so I looked out the window.

It looks beautiful from up here. I smiled broadly and he kissed me on the cheek.

I snuggled my head into his neck while he played with my hands. After a few hours, we landed at the airport in Paris.

We went outside together and Calix spun me around in the air. "Welcome to the city of love, Heaven." He said and I laughed, he finally placed me on the ground.

"Let's go home lovebirds," Vicente said stiffly before going to a black SUV. Why is he salty? Fucking narcissist.

"Is there something that I should know?" I asked Calix and he shook his head at me. We went to the black car and climbed inside. The ride was silent and I honestly couldn't give a crap.

We stopped in front of a large mansion and my eyebrows shot up. I guess they have mansions in every country.

I mean I thought we were going to stay in a hotel or something. Calix said something in French to the butler who then opened the door for us.

Vicente silently went inside with his suitcase and we followed him inside.

"Habitaciones separades." Separate rooms. Vicente told Calix who lifted his hands in surrender while laughing.

"You got it, brother," Calix said before pulling me upstairs. "This is your room, Heaven." He said and I smiled at him.

"I thought we would sleep in the same room," I said before running my hand down his chest.

Calix gripped my wrist in his hand before looking deeply into my eyes.

"No can do, beautiful." He said before pinching my cheek and going outside. Well, that was the most subtle rejection I've ever received.

No, it's the only rejection I've ever received from a man.

I went out into the hallway and Vicente smiled at me.

"Wanna go for a swim?" He asked and I blankly stared at him before going back into my room to grab my bathing suit.

"Yes, I do," I said before walking to him. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked and he pointed at a door. "Thanks," I said before going inside.

I urinated before washing my hands and pulling my bathing suit on. I let my hair hang loose behind my back before looking at myself in the mirror. I injected myself before throwing the syringe into the bin.

I pulled my shorts on before going back to my room. I felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist from behind. He cupped my breast while kissing my neck.

I turned around and found a shirtless Calix in front of me.

Nice legs.

I smiled before kissing him and he gripped my ass before hitting it. He rubbed my clit through my shorts and I bit into my bottom lip before pulling away from him.

"No can do Daddy," I said before leaving the room and he came jogging after me. He gripped my ass again before kissing me slowly.

He bit my bottom lip before pulling back to examine my face as he held it in his hands.

"Heaven." He said before kissing me again.

My entire body was on fire when he pulled away from me. I walked next to him as we exited the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"You said you wanted to go for a swim right?" Calix asked and I nodded. "So we're going swimming." He said and I tilted my head.

"Isn't this a business trip? Also isn't the go-to place, the Eiffel Tower" I asked with a single eyebrow raised.

"You can call it business but it's also a way for us to win your heart over. And the Eiffel Tower is basic. But we can go there tomorrow if that's what you want. We're kinda sorry." He said before pecking my cheek.

"Vicente included?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well, you don't have to try so hard. I'm not mad at you at the moment." I said softly.

"Vicente included?" Calix asked and I nodded.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you pip?" Vicente asked from behind us.

"I am even though I hate surprises," I said before smiling. "You can do your business in peace I won't disturb any of that by being salty," I said and they looked at me in disbelief.

"Well, shit," Vicente said and I smiled cutely because I had a plan of my own. Since neither of them wants to tell me why I'm here, I'll find out myself.

And I'll do that by snooping. It's not like they're giving me any other option.

Calix asked me something that I didn't hear so I smiled and said, "Yeah" before walking ahead of them to the car.

"Are you sure?" Vicente asked while scratching his head and I nodded.

Wait what did he ask?


Here's to all my ghost readers.🫂 Literally all of you.😩

Love you, blood.🩸🦋🐾

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