• You Look Beautiful •

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"Hey, sis." Vicente said from my bedroom door so I smiled at him.

"What's up?" I asked and he shrugged before pouting.

"Wanna go shopping?" He asked and I smiled excitedly.

"Yes, please. I'm so bored." I said and he chuckled.

"Just please no girl talk." He said so I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's the definition of girl talk?" I asked and he frowned.

"I don't know you guys tend to talk about awkward stuff like clothes and feelings." He said and I burst out laughing.

"Fine, I'll talk about the weather," I said before jumping up from my bed. "Okay, honest opinion. Does this dress make me look fat?" I asked and Vicente frowned.

"No." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why did you respond so quickly? Are you saying I'm too skinny or are you lying?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"Shit that was a trick question." He said and I just breathed out before relaxing.

"You look beautiful, Mija." Our dad said while standing at the door.

"Thanks, Dad," I said before hugging him and pulling Vicente downstairs with me.

We climbed into his car and drove into town. People were staring at us as we drove past them.

A few minutes later we stopped in front of a very familiar Versace store before climbing out. A few men in black followed us into the store. Vicente spoke to the manager and soon after they vacated the entire store for us.

"Much better," Vicente said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Talk about abusing your power," I said and he looked at me with a bored expression on his face.

"We're not commoners Nevaeh. And we certainly do not buy clothes like we are." He said blankly and I gasped.

"I was raised as a commoner for your information so that was very offensive," I said and he shook his head at me.

"Look at the bright side you got to explore the best of both worlds." He said and I looked at him as if he was an alien.

"Anyways why didn't you ask Kelly out?" I asked while walking through the racks of clothing.

"What?" He asked awkwardly and I laughed.

"She had a crush on you idiot and you had one on her too, didn't you?" I asked and he just looked me up and down.

"No, I didn't miss know it all." He said and I sighed.

"You have a crush on her," I said blankly. "She's coming down on Friday by the way," I said and his eyes widened.

"Cool. How are things going between you and Calix?" He asked.

"Ouch," I said softly. "That's a low blow, even for you Vicente," I said slowly.

"Doesn't feel so nice does it?" He asked so I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you have any food?" I asked to change the topic and he chuckled. Then the door to the store opened and revealed Calix.

"Oh my god," I said before hiding behind Vicente.

"Why?" Vicente asked through his chuckles. "He knows you're here. I just told him." He told me and I hit him in the abdomen.

"You asshole," I said before fixing my hair and acting natural.

"Heaven," Calix said and my heart skipped a beat.

"Traitor," I said bluntly and his eyebrows shot up at my words.

"I'll give you two some space," Vicente said before walking away from us.

"You have some nerve showing up here," I said angrily.

"Nevaeh stop." He said before walking closer to me.

"Are you serious? You told me that I slept with other people in front of an entire restaurant-"

Calix suddenly went down on his knee before holding a box out to me. My hands flew to my mouth as I watched him.

"Nevaeh Valentina Hart, will you marry me?" He asked and I completely froze up. Oh my god, I'm gonna throw up.

Did he just ask me to marry him?!

Cliffhanger alert!

See you guys soon.👀

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