• I Miss You •

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"Heaven." I heard from behind me so I smiled broadly.

"What are you doing?" He whispered into my ear so I turned around.

"I miss you, Calix," I said sadly.

"Don't be sad Bubba. We'll be together very soon. I'm coming home." He said before kissing me softly.

"Calix!" I yelled as I jumped upright in my bed. I searched the covers for him but he wasn't there.

"No! Please come back!" I cried painfully.

It's been seven months now. And I miss him with everything inside of me. I can't believe he's gone.

They told me that he was dead.

But I refused to believe any of them. He's coming back for me.

He always comes back.

"Nevaeh. Are you okay?" I heard Vicente ask so I shook my head. He wrapped his arms around me while patting my back.

"This has been going on for months now. You need to stop." He said softly.

"Stop what? Loving him?" I questioned angrily.

"Stop torturing yourself and the baby." He snapped at me.

"I can't mano. I can't get him out of my head. I know he's coming back. He's not dead!" I yelled before I bursted out into loud sobs.

"You're okay." He said while hugging me.

The next morning I woke up with a slight headache. I slowly got out of bed before opening my drawer. I took out the envelope that Valentina had left me.

I opened it before sighing.

It was in Spanish but by now I understand it. Every single word. She wrote it before she- you know- died. My eyes rested on the piece of paper in my shaking hands.

Dear Nevaeh

In all of the years that I have been alive, I have never wanted anything as much as I want you now. A beautiful little Spanish girl. With the man I love, you would get to play with your brother who loves you very much. And me, who just wants to watch you grow up but that's not possible, my darling.

Because you see when I was younger I made a mistake. I fell in love with the enemy of my family. I thought it was love but I didn't know it back then, I was a child. Our families eventually told us to separate or to go to war against each other. And to maintain the peace, we broke up. Our families merged when I married your father and while Mario was still out seeking revenge I started to let him go. At first, I was skeptical, your father was distant but as we got to know each other we fell so foolishly in love with one another. He became the love of my life and as mysterious as it may sound it's true.

I will never forget. I will always remember you, my darling. I'm sorry that I left you and you may never forgive me but I'm asking for your forgiveness now. I love you my pretty little thing.

Love mama.

A/N- The letter is supposed to clarify some of the things that happened between Valentina, Jose, and Slater (Calix's dad).☕

I placed the letter on my pillow before going downstairs. My dad and Vicente were sitting around the breakfast table.

I went to the refrigerator to grab an insulin vile. I took a seat at the table before unwrapping a syringe.

"Gross. Do you have to do that here? I'm getting my croissant on." Vicente said so I laughed at him before turning around.

"Better?" I asked him.

"A lot." He said and I smiled before fixing my shot. Images of Calix injecting me ripped through my brain but I sucked in a shaky breath before pinching my skin in between my two fingers and pricking myself with the needle.

"Mano, can you get me some lozovi sarmi?" I asked Vicente and he smiled. I know it will take him a while but he always finds it, somehow. Even when Kelly is out of the country.

"Way ahead of you pip." He said proudly and I frowned.

"We made it for you!" My dad yelled in surprise and I pulled a face.

"No offense but you two don't know the first thing about cooking," I said confidently.

"We know the first thing about cooking," Vicente argued.

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I asked him.

"To wash your hands." My dad said confidently and I tilted my head. That's true. Look at that, they're not airheads.

"Okay, I'll try one. Only because you're hygienic." I said and they smiled excitedly before lifting a silver lid from a tray. I sighed before grabbing a sarmi. Here goes nothing.

I took a bite out of it and my eyes instantly closed. It's like I'm in Bulgaria right now. Damn, I miss that shit hole.

"Wait a minute," I said when I tasted ginger. "You lied to me," I said in disbelief.

"No, we didn't," Vicente argued.

"You can come out Kelly!" I said and my dad sighed in defeat.

"How did you know?" He asked in confusion.

"The bitch puts ginger in hers. It's in their family recipe." I said proudly as Kelly stepped out of the closet.

"When did you get here?" I asked before hugging her.

"This morning." She said and I smiled.

"And you allowed her to cook?" I asked and Vicente nodded.

"Mano, you don't let your girlfriend cook in the first hour that she steps foot into your house," I told Vicente and he sighed.

"Oh mijo." My dad said in disappointment and Vicente glared at us.

"I'll make it up to her." He said while smirking at Kelly.

"Okay, too many details." My dad and I said at the same time. "I'm out of here." We said at the same time again.

"Father daughter telepathy!" We yelled in unison before leaving Kelly and Vicente alone in the kitchen.

"They're so beautiful together," I told my dad who nodded. I ran back into the kitchen before grabbing a few bowls of food that we could eat. We sat outside at a table near the pool.

"Let's see. What did you get?" My dad asked.

"We've got bacon, eggs, and muesli, and yogurt," I said before smiling.

"Much better than last time." He sang in my praises. I only managed to grab the fruit salad before I saw too much last time. 

"I learned from the best," I said proudly before we started to eat the food in front of us.

God this pool is bringing back so many memories. Even if it's not the same pool. Everything just reminds me of him. It's almost as if the universe is purposely stopping me from forgetting.

She doesn't have to try so hard because I don't want to forget him. And I won't because he's still out there somewhere.

Do you think Calix is still alive?🤔


I'm currently busy with my exams. So pardon my slow updates.❤️

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