• He Was Here •

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After eating breakfast with my dad I slowly walked upstairs. Damn, I have a big belly. Just as I breathed out in exhaustion my legs suddenly became wet.

My eyes widened. Please don't tell me I just tinkled. I looked down at my legs and my heart started pounding faster in my chest.

"Dad! Mano! Kelly!" I cried out to them. I stood frozen in my spot until they reached me.

"I think my water just broke!" I said in panic.

"Calm down and breathe," Kelly told me so I imitated her breaths.

Why do you have to breathe like this when you're in labor? It's so weird.

"Breathe mija." My dad said calmly while he held his phone against his ear.

"The ambulance will take too long!" My dad yelled so Vicente gently picked me up into his arms before heading outside. He gently placed me into the car before speeding down to the hospital.

We arrived in a few minutes and the pain was only increasing.

"Get her out of me!" I yelled at Vicente who's eyes widened.

"On it." He said in panic before jumping out of the car.

"I'm gonna kill you for taking so long!" I growled at him in anger.

"You know you're really a horrible person." He said before lifting me into his arms and running into the hospital.

They placed me in a wheelchair before taking me into a room. My dad, Vicente, and Kelly all entered the room after a few minutes.

Why are they wearing those blue outfits? Am I an alien now? Or do I have too many germs? Wait do they have germs?


A sharp pain jolted through my body so I cried out loudly.

He should be here. Calix should be here, I need him.

"Do it." I heard one of the doctors say in a husky voice. Wait- I know that voice...

My heart monitor suddenly went haywire so I frowned. Are they manipulating the heart monitor?

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave." One of the nurses told my family. They argued for a while before leaving the room. The nurse closed the curtains and my heart started pounding even faster.

I looked up at the doctor hovering over me. He was smiling behind his mask. I could tell. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his green eyes boring into my skin.

My green eyes? Shrek?

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled in pain. I plunged my fingers into his arm until the pain faded away.

"You left me!" I yelled again and a sharp pain shot right through me.

He just shook his head and continued to stare at me in silence. I placed my hands in his and a calmness rested upon me.

"Push!" The nurse yelled so I pushed.

After forty minutes I heard the crying of the cutest little voice. They handed her over to Calix and I cried. Calix wiped his tears away before smiling at our precious little daughter.

"You have to push again baby." The nurse told me and I frowned. "The placenta." She reminded me.

Damn, I'm way too sober for this shit. When that was done I felt so light. Like my lungs were free again or something, I breathed in slowly.

The nurse stitched me up and all I could do was watch Calix. Look at them. They're perfect. And she's so quiet and small.

Calix left with the doctor to go and clean her up and the nurse gave me a guide on how to be a mom. Probably because I'm 19, which isn't even that young.

"Thank you," I told her before she left. Calix came walking inside after a few minutes. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but cry.

He handed her to me and I smiled broadly. She's so perfect.

"She has your eyes," I told him and he smiled.

"We'll call her Fionna then." He said and I laughed. That hurt my vagina.

"Does that make me Donkey?" I asked and he laughed at me.

"Kinda." He said with a smile on his face.

"Please not that. I mean Donkey is a man." I explained and he full-on laughed at me this time.

"Name her Casey." He said before placing a kiss on my forehead. No no. Who does he think he is? Oprah? He lost that right the day that he decided to "die".

He smiled at our daughter before placing a kiss on her forehead and leaving the room.

"No! Come back!" I yelled weakly. "Please Calix come back!" I yelled sadly.

"Nevaeh!" Someone called me so I opened my eyes.

"What the fuck? Where am I?" I asked in confusion.

"You're in the hospital. Why were you like calling Calix?" Kelly asked from beside me.

"Where is he?" I asked her.

"You must still be in shock," Kelly told me and I frowned.

"No, he was here," I told her and she looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"So what's her name?" Kelly asked while looking at the crib next to my bed.

"Can you give her to me?" I asked and Kelly nodded.

"Well, I named her Carmella," I said before smirking and Kelly smiled broadly.

"Welcome to the family little Carmelita." Kelly said excitedly.

Calix is gonna be pissed at me but her middle name can still be Casey. That's if he's not still "dead".

"She's so beautiful. Look at those green eyes." Kelly said and I smiled down at my baby.

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before I went back to watching her in adoration. She knows I'm not crazy.

I mean we both saw him.


Okay, Nevaeh. We'll take the baby's word for it.😉

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