Author's Note

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Author's Note

I just wanted to adress all the rude comments that some of you guys have been leaving on this book. And I'm not saying that everybody has to love my book. I'm totally fine with constructive criticism but this isn't it, you guys are just plain and simply put rude and disrespectful.

And I get that some of you are mad at how the book ended, and that's fine have your opinion. It's okay if you're upset.

But you don't have to be an asshole.

Because how can someone read 69 chapters of a book and then comment that the book was bad, because it sure as hell doesn't take me 69 chapters to realize that a book is bad. Make it make sense. And if you don't like my story, stop reading it. Nobody is forcing you to finish it.

I will delete your comment, block you, and move on with my life. My book deserves better than a bunch of trolls trying to ruin the experience for everyone else. And since wattpad is not doing anything to prevent this, I'll do it myself.

It's a new year I'm done with all the negative shit. 

Thanks to the people who has actually been supporting my book. I appreciate you guys.❤️

Follow me on Instagram: @aurorascarrr❤️

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