• Love You Regardless •

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Please vote and comment. Also, I am sorry about the cliffhanger in the previous chapter.❤️🥺

"Yes," I said under my breath.

"Yeah?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, Calix I'll marry you," I said before I went down on my knees to kiss him.

"I promise that I will never doubt you again. I'm so sorry baby." He said while holding my face in his hands.

"I forgive you," I said before kissing him again.

"Hey, congrats!" Vicente said and our bodyguards cheered us on in excitement and Calix and I smiled before getting up from the floor.

"You knew all along?" I asked Vicente and he nodded while smiling broadly.

"This couldn't have happened without Vicente," Calix said before chuckling.

"And how long has this been going on?" I asked and Vicente snorted before laughing.

"Since we flew back from Bulgaria." He said and my jaw dropped.

"But you said-"

"Do you know how hard it was for me to lie to her? She was so close to crying." Vicente told Calix. "It was so sad bro." He said and I hit his shoulder.

"I told you she wouldn't cry. You owe me fifty bucks." Calix said and Vicente touched his heart.

"You're both assholes. But I love you regardless." I said before hugging them both.

"All in a day's work brother," Calix said and we all laughed.

"So have you spoken to my dad yet?" Vicente asked Calix who nodded.

"I did. I asked him if I could marry his daughter and he told me that if I did all hell would break loose." Calix said and I frowned.

"Shit," Vicente said under his breath.

"Wait you still asked me to marry you after my dad threatened you?" I asked and Calix frowned at me.

"Of course I did. I love you and if I have to go to war against my own family to be with you then so be it." Calix said blankly.

"I love you too and there won't be any wars anytime soon. I'll talk to my dad." I said before placing my arm around Calix's waist.

"When are you coming back home?" Calix asked me and I smiled at his question.

"I don't know. I'll have to see how things are with my dad first. But soon." I said before pecking his lips. "I promise you," I said and he grabbed a hand full of my ass as he pressed me against his chest.

"Can't wait." He whispered into my ear in a husky tone.

"God, can't you guys stop making out for one second?" Vicente asked so I showed him my middle finger as I continued to kiss my future husband.

"You brought this on yourself, Vicente." He told himself so I chuckled before pulling back from Calix.

He suddenly went down on his knees before placing his hands on my tiny bump. He placed a kiss on my belly and I smiled broadly.

"I'm gonna take care of you and your mommy, mija. Lo siento." I'm sorry. He said while looking into my eyes before kissing my belly again.

Why does everyone think it's a girl?

"Te amo," I said and Calix stood up before kissing me slowly.

"I love you too." He said before hugging me.

We finally have it all. Well except for my dad's blessing. But this is close enough to having it all.

Suddenly we heard loud gunshots being fired.

Calix stood in front of me as a shield and Vicente pulled out his gun. I gasped when I saw my dad walking into the store.

"Calix!" He yelled in anger and to be honest, I was shaking in my boots.

"Calix," I said softly and he looked deeply into my eyes.

"This is my battle." He said and I shook my head.

"No," I said before wrapping my arms around him and holding him tightly. "Please I'm begging you," I said into his shirt and he froze up.

"Dad!" Vicente yelled suddenly which caused me to look up. My eyes widened when I saw my dad holding a gun against Calix's head.

"Dad no!" I yelled in fear when he pulled the trigger.

Another cliffhanger!

I'm sorry... I had to.🥺

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