• Need Help •

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"Kelly, can I stay with you?" I asked quietly and she nodded.

"Yes for as long as you need." She said while rubbing my arm. Then she quickly called her mom to come pick us up.

I watched my dad leaving the room so I sat down on my bed before crying. Kelly pulled me into a tight hug but I was too frozen to respond.

I pulled back from her before going back to my closet to pack my bags. When I was done I sucked in a deep breath before grabbing Kelly's hand and leaving my family home.

"I got you bestie," Kelly said and I nodded as we climbed into her mom's car.

I sat in the backseat and the rearview mirror was staring right at me. Awkward. I noticed a black car driving behind me so I rolled my eyes.

"Aunty someone's following us," I said in a bored tone.

"What the hell?" Kelly's mom asked before turning onto a different street.

"You can go home. I'll deal with the creep following us." I said knowing that it had to be Calix or Vicente.

"Uh- no I won't. I'm calling the cops." She said and I looked back at the car and recognized the license plate.

"T are cops. They're the ones that brought me back." I said in realization. No, they're not cops. Whatever.

Kelly's mom drove us home before she parked in their garage then we all climbed out of the vehicle. I went into the driveway where the black car was parked.

Jorde climbed out of the car before striding over to me.

"How can I help you, officer?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"I know that you know that I'm not a police officer." He said before smiling again.

"Yeah, that's right. You're a lying piece of monstrosity just like everybody else I know. Why did you help me?" I asked blankly.

"Because I like you." He said softly and my eyes widened. "And I would like to take you out on a date. Maybe tomorrow night. You can show me the city-"

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out and he finally shut up. He looked at me in shock before running a hand through his hair.

"You mean for real?" He asked and I nodded. "You're pregnant?" He asked again.

"Yes, and you can't tell anyone not even Kira," I said softly.

"Is this why you're staying here?" He asked and I nodded. "You can come stay with me or I can get you an apartment-"

"Jorde," I said and he stopped talking. "I'm okay and you don't have to offer me things out of pity I'll be fine I just need to have this baby and get a degree and get a job," I said the last part in horror.

Wow, that's gonna take a lot of years. I mean where am I gonna stay? I'm not going back to my parents and I can't stay with Kelly and her mom forever.

"It kinda sounds like you're gonna need help." He said and I breathed in deeply.

"You know me. I always make a plan." I said with a tired smile on my face.

"Well, can I at least buy you dinner?" He asked so I ran a hand through my hair.

"Sure, why not?" I asked and he smiled broadly.

"I know it's manipulative because a pregnant girl can always eat but I'm desperate." He said so I laughed.

"Slow down, Romeo," I said then we shared another laugh. I quickly went into the house to tell Kelly about my dinner plans.

Then she walked me to his car because she wanted to see if he was handsome and not if he was a serial killer.

The smile on her face tells me that she got what she was looking for.

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