• Punish You Again •

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Here's to 100k! I couldn't have done it without you guys.🫂 Thank you for adding this book to your libraries and for reading and commenting.✨ It means the world to me.🌍❤️

Cadelaria fainted and a few gasps were heard from the crowd. The entire room went silent as I walked closer to him.

He opened his arms and I ran straight into them. I was spun around in the air and I smiled broadly.

He placed me on the ground and I kissed him. His hands rested on my cheeks as he claimed my lips in a gentle kiss.

I pulled back just to stare at him and to make sure that he was real. His eyes ran over my body and he licked his lips before looking deeply into my eyes.

"I missed you." He said while staring at me. I remained silent so he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth before hugging me again.

"I missed you more," I told him while breathing in his yummy cologne. The music started playing and I just held onto him.

He pulled back from me before taking my face into his hands again.

"I'm sorry." He said softly before kissing me again and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"How did you know I wasn't dead?" He asked me and I smiled at him.

"You always come back," I told him and he smiled before pecking my lips. He took my hand before going over to his mom.

She was holding a hand against her mouth as she cried for him. He pulled her into a tight hug and she started sobbing loudly.

"Why would you do that? Never do that to me again!" She cried angrily and he chuckled before hugging her again.

"No lo haré mamá." I won't Mom. He said and she shook her head before stepping back from him.

He hugged my dad and they shared a chuckle. Wow! Just wow! Men are so- Ugh!

We almost lost everything because they couldn't get along and now they're just cool with each other?

Vicente looked at Calix from a distance. Calix shook his head before going over and hugging his best friend. I couldn't help but smile at them.

They rested their foreheads against each other and I sighed. This is gonna be a long night.

"Compa." They both said at the same time. It means friend.

He did the same thing with Mikey before hugging Kelly.

He came back to me so I grabbed his hand before leading him upstairs. We entered Carmella's nursery so I smiled broadly.

He went over to her crib before carefully picking her up.

"Hey, Casey." He said with a smile on his face.

"So you were there!" I said and Calix looked at me with a bored expression on his face.

"Why would I miss my daughter's birth?" He asked me and I frowned.

"Because you were dead!" I stated the obvious.

"But I wasn't." He said in a gentle tone.

"Right, but you lied to me. Why would you lie to me and why would you even disappear? Without me and Carmella?" I asked angrily.

"Who the fuck is Carmella?" He asked me and I smiled sweetly.

"I named our baby Carmella," I said proudly.

"I'm sorry what?" Calix asked.

"I named her Carmella," I said and he sighed deeply.

He gently placed our baby back into her crib before coming over to me.

"You've been a very bad girl." He said painfully slow and my breath got stuck in my throat.

He lifted my chin while staring deeply into my eyes.

"Are you gonna punish me?" I asked him and he smirked at me before pecking my lips and leaving the room.


I checked on Carmella for the last time before going back outside. I went into my room before closing the door behind me.

I spotted Calix standing next to my window so I froze in my spot. He slowly walked towards me until he was mere inches from my face.

"Take off your panties." He said in a husky voice. But I suddenly couldn't move.

"Nevaeh, be a good girl." He whispered into my ear so I slowly slid my panties down my legs.

"Kneel." He said in a husky tone and I obeyed him before unbuckling his belt. His large erection sprung out of his Calvin's.

I took his tip into my mouth before looking up at him. His head rolled back in pleasure so I started to suck on him. His hand rested at the back of my head before he started fucking my throat.

My eyes started to tear up so he pulled me up by my arms. He unzipped my dress before allowing it to drop to the floor.

"Be a very good girl and don't cum unless I tell you to." He said painfully slow and I nodded.

He got onto his knees before pushing my legs apart. He traced kisses on my inner thighs before he started licking my clit. I covered my mouth as I moaned and Calix pulled back.

"Moan for me baby girl." He said before placing his mouth on my clit again. I started moaning loudly and as I neared my edge Calix pulled back from me before standing up.

"No more pleasure for you." He whispered into my ear. "You've earned your punishment." He said while rubbing my ass.

"Please," I begged him and he licked his lips.

"This is what you wanted, Heaven." He said and I frowned at him before biting my bottom lip.

"No more touching yourself." He said before placing a rough kiss on my mouth.

"I can't," I told him and he chuckled.

"You can Nevaeh." He said blankly. "I know it's fucking painful." He said as his hand rested on my throat. "But don't you dare to fucking touch yourself." He said and I nodded.

I was throbbing for him.

"Are you gonna be a good girl?" He asked me so I nodded.

"Yes, Daddy," I said and he smiled gracefully.

"Good because if you touch yourself I will have to punish you again." He said before kissing me slowly. "Now go to sleep baby girl." He said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I pulled my pajamas on before climbing under my sheets. Tonight is going to be one painful evening.

Calix sat on the chair next to my bed and I watched him until I fell asleep.


Sorry for the late updates. I read your comments on the previous chapter and I honestly didn't know that I left you guys with another cliffhanger. Everything was just so crazy and rushed that day. So I just wanted to apologize for that.🤦🏻‍♀️

I'll try not to have as many cliffhangers anymore. But anyway I love you guys and I'll see you on the next update.❤️💅

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