• Nice To Meet You •

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I dressed Carmella before taking a picture of her with my instant camera. I placed it aside before picking her up into my arms and rocking her back and forth.

I'm so in love with this little human. And I've only known her for a month.

She fell asleep in my arms so I laid her down in her crib. I went into the hallway and called Lola her babysitter.

"Please don't leave her alone. At all. Call me or my dad if anything seems suspicious to you. Oh, and we're still on for tomorrow." I told her and she smiled.

"What if I have to use the bathroom?" She asked and I frowned at her.

"Are you serious? You hold it in Lola." I told her and her smile dropped.

"Got it." She said so I breathed out slowly. I really don't wanna leave her with some strange seventeen-year-old.

I know I'm only two years older than Lola but still-

"Okay," I told her and she nodded before taking a seat next to the crib. I left the room before going downstairs.

I was wearing a short black silk dress matched with a pair of strap-up heels.

I was wearing a short black silk dress matched with a pair of strap-up heels

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I placed my mask onto my face before going to Kelly, my dad, and Vicente.

Everyone was wearing masks in the name of all things masquerade. Calix will show up for sure.

That's why wearing masks is the theme tonight. In case he's trying to keep things on the down low-

This ball is in honor of me and my baby. A woman waved at me and I smiled in disbelief. I didn't think she'd accept my invitation.

"Nevaeh!" She yelled in excitement.

"Mom!" I said before hugging her tightly.

"I missed you!" She said before she placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I have to see the ring." She said so I showed it to her. "He's not dead," Cadelaria whispered into my ear and I couldn't help but smile.

"Been saying," I told her and she laughed.

"You look beautiful, mija." She said so I smiled at her.

"You too. Also, this is my best friend Kelly. Kelly this is Cadelaria, Calix's mom." I told Kelly and they hugged each other.

"Nice to meet you, darling. But Nevaeh I have to ask. How did you pull this off?" Cadelaria asked and I smiled.

"A true artist never reveals her secrets. I'm kidding I hired a bunch of people and gave them instructions." I said blankly.

"Classic. So where's my grandchild?" Cadelaria asked seriously.

"Come with me," I told her and she and Kelly followed me upstairs.

"Her name is Carmella," I said once we entered the room and Cadelaria hugged me tightly.

"You kept the C in the family." She said happily. "See this is why I love you." She said before taking a look at Carmella.

"She is so beautiful." She said in adoration. "Can I hold her?" She asked me and I nodded.

She gently picked Carmella up with a smile on her face. Kelly looked down at her phone before sighing.

"Your brother is looking for me." She explained so I nodded.

"And who are you?" Cadelaria asked Lola and I looked at her in disbelief. She's giving the girl a hard time just like the first time she met me.

"Chill Mom, she's the new babysitter," I told her and she nodded slowly in understanding while giving the girl a side glance.

"I still don't trust her." She said so I smiled at her.

"Let's go back to the party," I told her so she laid my baby down.

We went back downstairs and went back to the dance floor.

"Time for the waltz." My dad said before taking Mom's hand. What the f? Who am I supposed to dance with?

I was pulled into someone's arms so I frowned. Erm dude... Back the fuck up.

"I'm Mikey." He said so I nodded slowly.

"I'm Nevaeh," I said before placing my hand in his. "Calix and Vicente's best friend right?" I asked and he nodded.

"How cute they talk about me." He said in an Australian accent. Wow, he's from Australia. How cute.

"They mentioned you once. And it was the story about how you got vasectomies together." I said and he laughed.

"Of course they did." He said and I smiled.

"I mean it's a cute story," I said as we danced along to a slow song.

"Pretty much yeah. I never really wanted to have children." He explained. "They're all snotty and shit. You know their noses are all runny and gross." He said and I laughed. His accent is kinda growing on me.

"So where you're from all the kids have runny noses?" I asked and he nodded.

"Most of them." He said and I laughed even more. 

"But congrats on the baby. I'm sure she looks stunning." He said and I smiled at him.

"She's perfect," I said softly.

"Do you miss him?" He asked carefully and I nodded. "Me too. Everyday." He said under his breath.

"Do you know why Vicente doesn't talk about him?" I asked curiously and Mikey sighed.

"I mean we all have to deal with it in our ways. Vicente rarely shows any emotions. Which is probably why the three of us are best friends." He said and I nodded slowly.

"I'm just like waiting for him to come walking through those doors," I told Mikey and he froze in his spot as he looked at the door.

I frowned when everyone else did the same thing. I turned around to look at the door.

"Woah," Mikey said and I slowly walked forward. But it can't be

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