• Shoot Your Shot •

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We climbed into a beautifully furnished jet and I looked around me in wonder. I've never been in an airplane before.

And this is not how I imagined my first time on one would be.

Wait a minute.

I have been on a plane before. That's how I got here in Spain in the first place. How many times did they drug me to keep me asleep?

"What are you doing?" Calix asked me and I looked at him in shock.

"Me? Nothing." I said before taking a seat. He buckled my seatbelt and I shifted in my seat at his closeness.

He took a seat opposite me and the plane started moving. After a while, we went up into the air and I held onto my seatbelt.

I'm going to throw up. Shrek looked at me in amusement. I wanted to roll my eyes at him but my vision suddenly started to become blurry.

"This is as close to heaven as you're gonna get, Heaven." He said and I glared at him.

"A-Are you making fun of my name?" I asked and he scoffed at me. "How childish can you be?" I tiredly asked him before looking out the window.

"I see you want to be punished again. Just know that I won't use the same punishments each time. I'll make sure you enjoy it though." He said before rolling his sleeves up. He sat back in his seat and continued to look at me.


I'm totally comfortable with him watching me, while I'm hyperventilating because I'm afraid of heights. And as if that's not bad enough I have diabetes.

Oh shit! I have diabetes and I haven't taken my shot in an entire day.

"Calix," I said in a worried tone and he frowned at me.

"It's daddy to you." He said and I frowned before exhaling slowly.

"I'm diabetic," I said and his eyebrows raised. "And I need to take my next shot as soon as possible," I said in sudden panic.

"Why the fuck are you only telling me this now?" He asked angrily.

"Because I forgot," I said in fear.

"You forgot you have diabetes?" He asked and I felt extremely stupid.

"I was distracted!" I said and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Stop the plane." He told one of the flight attendants. "Tell them to turn around." He demanded coldly and the girl nodded her head before scurrying away from us.

"I need to use the bathroom," I said when I felt how full of urine my bladder was. Calix unbuckled my seatbelt and I jolted to the bathroom.

I finished my business and washed my hands and face before going back outside.

"I need to eat something," I said softly.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked and I couldn't think of anything.

"An energy bar is- fine," I said and he nodded before grabbing me one and handing it over to me. I bit into the bar and moaned in content.

"Am I gonna die?" I asked in panic and Calix frowned at me.

"No, you're not going to die." He calmly told me. He's handling this pretty well. "Do you need anything else?" He asked and I shook my head while eating my energy bar.

"Okay sit down." He said and we heard the pilot announce that we'd be landing in a few minutes.

"How long has it been since you kidnapped me?" I asked and he was silent for a moment.

"The flight was at least four hours but you only woke up this morning. So twenty hours." He said and I was ready to faint. I've never gone this long without my shot.

"Calix I need my shot, right now," I said in fear and his jaw clenched. Then my sight went blurry again.

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