• Stone •

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I missed.

I let the gun fall to the ground before getting up. I almost fell to the ground but Stone caught me. I stood upright and met his eyes.

"Why?" I asked before pushing him away from me.


"Don't!" I yelled before crying.

"Nevaeh I can explain." He said softly.

"Oh, you can explain?" I asked angrily. He gently took my hand in his before looking into my eyes.

"Let me talk to you." He said so I pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"I don't wanna hear it," I said before going towards his door. He pulled me back by my hand before placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I had a single mom and she was a drug addict, I had to take care of my sister, Kira ever since I can remember." He said so I looked into his eyes.

"Our stepfathers weren't the greatest. They beat my mom and then they would beat us too. And one night, the last night that I was in that house my mom's boyfriend tried to touch Kira. If I didn't-" he stopped and I frowned deeply at his words.

"He would've hurt her if I wasn't there. I hit him over the head with my baseball bat. Then I took Kira and we ran." He said and I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"How old were you?" I asked softly.

"I was ten, Kira was eight." He said and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Go ahead," I said softly.

"The police found us the next day, they saw the bruises on our bodies and had a visit with our mom while we stayed at a children's home." Stone said before leading us back outside to the pool. This time I sat down next to him. 

"We got adopted by another family which we had to flee from again because everyone was the same. We went back to the children's home and they gave Kira and me scholarships to go to this boarding school abroad. And we accepted. That's where I met Striker and Calix."

He suddenly looked up and into my eyes before shaking his head.

"Yes, I want to hear how you did it," I said and he sighed.

"It was acid." He said and I gulped as my heart started beating faster in my chest.

"Was he the first person you killed?" I asked and he nodded.

"We had a plan, I know it's fucked up but if it didn't work out I wouldn't have met you seven years later." He said and I just blankly looked at him.

"You're a murderer," I told him and he licked his lips before clenching his jaw.

"You already knew that. You've seen me kill people before." He said and I just nodded.

"What?" He asked as I silently watched him.

"Was any of it real?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said blankly. "Don't ever doubt anything I've ever told you. I might have lied about who I was but I never lied to you about how much I loved you Nevaeh." He said as a tear slipped out of his eye.

"Stone-" I started but he interrupted my sentence.

"We can go to Paris and start over. Just you, me, and Carmella." He said and I shook my head at him.

"Stone," I said and he frowned at me.

"What?" He asked so I breathed in deeply.

"I called the cops and I recorded this conversation on my phone," I said and he frowned at me.

"You called the cops on me?" He asked before getting up and just as he did so a SWAT team came running into his house.

"I'm sorry," I said and he just glared at me while they shackled him.

"I'm gonna kill you Nevaeh." He said and a tear rolled down my cheek. "You called the cops on me?" He angrily asked me and I backed away from him in fear.

"I'm sorry," I said and it was as if I could see his heart breaking into a million little pieces as those words left my mouth. "But I did this for Carmella and I did it for Calix Vasquez and everyone else you've killed," I said and Stone clenched his jaw in anger as his eyes brimmed with tears.

"I'll see you soon, Nevaeh. You know you once told me you had nothing to lose when I threatened to kill you." He said in a calm voice and I just blankly looked at him. "But now you have everything to lose." He said and it felt as if all the air left my lungs. 

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Nevaeh, and everyone you love. I'm gonna kill all of you."

That was the last thing that Stone Reynolds said to me before they took him away from me. He wasn't sober but I knew that he meant what he was saying. He was never planning on changing and he was never going to stop. He was in way too deep. And my daughter deserves so much better than that. And what Stone deserved was to be locked behind bars for the rest of his life. 

I regret nothing.


Follow me on Instagram: @aurorascarrr❤️

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