• Russian Roulette •

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Calix's POV

"Are you coming?" I asked Vicente who then glared up at me.

"What if she doesn't want to see us?" He asked and I smiled at him.

"Come on brother. I'm sure she's not still mad at us-"

"She tipped us off at the police. That sounds pretty mad to me." He argued.

"If she's still mad at us. We will just have to apologize until she forgives us." I finished my sentence from earlier.

"I messed things up. But you're right brother. We have to do everything in our power to get her back." Vicente said so I smiled again.

"Let's go then. I believe we have a Bulgarian girl to find." I said before walking up to a black SUV.

We landed in Plovdiv last night and right now we're heading to Nevaeh's home.

I miss her-

Way too much. I just want her close to me at all times. I got so used to having her around me, she became my home and I need her.

Even if it's just to argue or to hear her laugh again. Nevaeh Hart is exquisite. And she's not just a pretty face, she's smart.

"What are you thinking about?" Vicente asked so I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I think I fell in love with your sister," I said in realization and Vicente frowned at me.

"Calix you don't fall in love. You fool around and you break hearts. You don't fall in love." Vicente said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm in love with Nevaeh," I said again and it felt pretty good. Fuck my rules. Maybe I fell for her because she didn't play by them.

"It's fucked up, however, if- if she says she's in love with you too you have my blessing. And if you dare to hurt my little sister, I'll kill you." Vicente said and I know he wasn't kidding.

We played Russian roulette over who would become head of the family mafia. We ended up shooting each other at the same time and that's how we both became the leaders.

"Noted," I said and he nodded his head.

Maybe we should make Russian roulette a family tradition for our children. It'll teach them to be fearless.

I pulled into the driveway of the Hart residence.

Vicente and I got out of the car before walking up to their house. We looked at each other then Vicente knocked on the door.

"Who are you?" A woman asked rudely when she opened the door. Well, she's a peach.

"Vicente Morales."

"Calix Vasquez," I said and the woman's eyes widened in shock as she looked at me.

"You son of a bi-

"Honey who's at the door?" A man asked before he came to stand next to the woman. "Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" He asked and we nodded our heads in a greeting manner.

"No need to be nice to these criminals. Chudovishta!" The lady yelled.

"Listen lady we're looking for Nevaeh. I don't have time for this bullshit. She's not yours. She belongs with us, with her family." Vicente said angrily.

"Manners, mano," I said through clenched teeth and he glared at the people in front of us.

"Where is she?" Vicente insisted.

"She's not here." The old man said. "She left last night." He continued and I frowned.

The same Nevaeh who begged me to bring her home to her parents?

"Are you fucking lying?" I asked the man with a cold expression on my face.

"No. It's the truth." The man said. His wife told him something in Bulgarian and I frowned.

"What the fuck did she say?" Vicente asked before reaching for his gun in his waistband.

"She doesn't want me to tell you where she went." The man said and his wife started yelling things that nobody could understand.

"You're just gonna have to tell me. Because I'm nothing like my little sister. I will kill you without hesitation." Vicente said coldly.

"Speak," I said getting upset. The man looked at his wife in fear before placing his gaze on us.

"Dûbovata Street." The man said slowly. "House 1160." He continued.

"Now was that so hard?" Vicente asked and I scoffed at him in disbelief. Usually, he's the nice one.

"Please don't hurt her." The old man pleaded so I smirked.

"We won't," I said and the man nodded. The woman asked her husband something in Bulgarian then they both frowned. He briefly replied to her before looking back at us.

"Have a good day gentlemen." He said and we nodded before going back to the car.

"That lady is a rude bitch. How could my mom let her raise Nevaeh?" Vicente asked and I shrugged.

"People change," I replied blankly before sitting in the passenger seat. Vicente got into the car and drove down the street while following the GPS.

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