• Business •

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I sat next to Cadelaria. She rested her head on my shoulder and every once in a while, she would look over at her husband and son.

Calix has been ignoring his mother all day long but he's perfectly fine with everyone else. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this by her son.

The play started and Camreigh and her friends appeared on the stage. Look at their little pink outfits. It's so adorable.

I smiled throughout the entire play. It was interesting for some reason and I think these kids are really talented. I've always liked kids. They're adorable.

They finally did a bow and we all clapped our hands while standing up from our seats. I looked over at Calix who was smiling broadly which caused a dimple to appear on his cheek.


After a while, a teacher greeted us before talking to Camreigh's parents. A loud shot went off and people started screaming in fear. Calix's eyes widened when he saw Camreigh walking towards us.

"Camreigh no!" I yelled and the little girl ran backstage. Calix shot a man in black and everyone screamed before running outside.

It's not like they're gonna do anything about it. Calix owns this town and its authorities. Calix turned to his left before shooting another man.

He went backstage and came back with Camreigh on his hip. Her head rested on his shoulder and I rubbed Cadelaria's back.

Calix knew this would happen. That's why he was like that earlier. He feared for his sister's life.

It's my fault that we're here in the first place. He doesn't come to her plays for a reason.

It's to keep her safe.

"Are you okay my ride or die?" Calix asked the little girl in his arms and she nodded.

"Yes, mano." She said softly. "Thank you Levaeh for coming." She said cutely and my heart melted.

"You're most welcome sweety," I told her and she smiled at me.

Her dad grabbed her from Calix before hugging her tightly then she started crying. Poor thing. Her mom joined them in a group hug as they whispered soothing words into her ears.

After calming Camreigh down I noticed that Calix was gone. I went outside and found him standing with his hands behind his back. He was staring up at the sky.

I stood in front of him and he looked down on me.

"I'm sorry," I said softly before placing my hand on his cheek. "I'm so sorry," I said and he rested his forehead against mine.

"She means the world to me Nevaeh. I can't lose her." He said blankly and I nodded.

"I know," I said before wrapping my arms around him. He eventually gave into my embrace and hugged me back.

"She's okay now. You saved her life." I told him and he nodded against my shoulder. He pulled back before looking at me.

"I need to see her less. It's good that we're going to France on Monday." He said and I frowned.

"We?" I asked and he nodded.

"You, me and Vicente." He said softly before twirling a strand of my hair around his index finger.

"D-didn't you kill a Vicente man at that club?" I asked curiously. "I thought he was dead but when you introduced us yesterday."

"It's not the same Vicente." He said before placing his hands on my cheeks.

"That psycho tried to harm you and my family. But Vicente would never hurt anyone I care about. We're practically brothers." Calix said before pecking my lips.

"Because you handle 'business' together?" I asked using air quotes and he rolled his eyes at me.

"That and we grew up together."



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