• My Land •

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I woke up a little later and took a shower. I pulled on a short floral dress and paired it with some white sneakers.

Calix came up from behind me and placed kisses on my neck. I guiltily applied my lipstick. He turned me around before kissing me slowly.

"I have to go to work. I'll see you later." He said before squeezing my ass and walking out the door. 

"Bye," I said softly. I pulled him back by his arm before kissing him again. "Say goodbye," I said softly and he looked at me blankly.

"Goodbye, Heaven." He said before pecking my cheek and leaving the house.

I hope he can forgive me for this someday. He has to let me go, we were never right for each other. We didn't start our relationship right. It was forced, it was a crime.

I brushed my hair before going downstairs. I injected myself before taking my insulin with me. There's no way I'm passing out again.

The doorbell rang so I went over to open the door. Jane nervously smiled at me before coming inside and hugging me.

"Are you ready?" She asked and I only nodded.

We both went outside and John followed us. Jane frowned at me.

"Calix doesn't want me going out alone," I told her and her eyes widened slightly.

"He's going to be a problem." She said and I sighed.

"We can work around him," I told her blankly and she only nodded.

"Fine let's go it's getting late." She said before getting in the car. I buckled my seatbelt as she started driving down the street.

After fifteen minutes of driving we stopped in front of the airport. John climbed out of his car and walked towards us.

"Why are we at the airport?" He asked curiously and Jane hit him with something behind his head.

"Oh my god!" I gasped in shock before checking if he was okay. Luckily there was nobody around, which was strange.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"I said he was going to be a problem, now let's go." She said before leading me into a large building with two jets inside. The name Vasquez was scribbled on both of the planes, it must be their surname.

Calix Vasquez, Nevaeh Vasquez.

Has a nice ring to it and it will also never happen.

We stopped in front of the entrance and Jane held me by my shoulders.

"This is it kid." She said softly.

"Believe it or not I'm gonna miss you," I told her and she hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I wish you could've said goodbye to Camreigh. Just take care of yourself." She said before brushing a tear from my cheek.

"And do as I told you to. Disappear." She said under her breath.

"Thank you for everything, Jane," I told her and she frowned.

"Who's Jane?" She asked in confusion.

"You are," I said blankly.

"Who told you that?" She asked curiously.


"He was making fun of you and he probably wanted to be present when you found out the truth." She said with a slight smile on her face.

I couldn't help but smile either.

"Cadelaria." She said before giving her hand to me.

"I'll see you soon, Mom," I said before winking at her and getting into the plane.

I took a seat and a flight attendant came over to me.

"Good afternoon, Miss Nevaeh captain says there is going to be a slight delay." She said before walking away from me.

A delay, no we can't afford to have delays. After another ten minutes the pilot announced that we'd be taking off. I sighed in contentment before relaxing in my seat a little.

Now that wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. I slept for the most part during the flight.

The next morning we landed in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. And as if I was suffocating I needed to breathe in the fresh air of my land.

I climbed down the stairs and sucked in a deep breath. Home sweet home. I never thought I would make it this far. 

It seems so unreal. I'm gonna see my family again!

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