• Hate You •

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"Are you done yet?" Kelly yelled from my room.

"No! Just taking the fifth test!" I yelled back. I looked at all of the tests on the floor before wiping and getting up. I washed my hands and the tests before going outside.

All of them showed the same result.

"I'm pregnant," I said in horror.

"Oh my god. Are you sure?" Kelly asked and I nodded.

"Yes! I've done like five tests!" I said before crying. Kelly wrapped her arms around me before rubbing my back.

"Okay, calm down and breathe," Kelly said so I did as she told me to. "Holy shit you're pregnant!" She said and I cried again.

"Don't say it out loud." I cried and she nodded.

"Shit. I'm sorry I'm being so insensitive. It's just I never pictured you as a pregnant lady." Kelly explained.

"Stop saying pregnant!" I yelled at her.

"Wait who's pregnant?" My mom asked and I bit into my bottom lip.

"You're pregnant?" My dad asked and I started sobbing again. I'm gonna kill Calix for doing this to me and for not being here right now.

"You're fucking pregnant?" My dad asked again and I nodded before wiping my cheeks dry.

"Yes," I said in a shaky breath.

"Who's the father? And don't say that kidnapper. He raped you and you kept quiet?" My mom asked and I was ready to scream.

"He raped my child?! I will fucking kill him. That bastard-" my dad started.

"He didn't rape me!" I yelled and everyone's gazes snapped to mine. "We made love! No, we fucked. A lot. Without protection and I liked it! Because it's probably the best sex that anyone has ever had!" I yelled and their eyes widened.

"I know I'm adopted," I said softly and my parents avoided eye contact with me.

"Nevaeh-" my dad started.

"That's why they kidnapped me. Vicente wanted to reunite with his sister and Calix just wanted to help his best friend out. We didn't plan for any of this to happen so don't blame him." I said softly.

"You will get an abortion!" My mom said before gripping my arm. "I will not allow you to put this family's name to shame. You're eighteen years old and pregnant. You're not even engaged!" My mom said and I pulled my hand out of her grasp.

"No," I told her pointedly.

"Nevaeh you will lose that child end of discussion!" She said harshly.

"I said no!"

"You're not even my real mom so don't tell me what to do. You're a liar!" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I won't get an abortion. I will love and raise this child by myself whether you like it or not." I said pointedly.

"Aleksandar stop her." My mom said and my dad just shook his head.

"Are you insane? How dare you tell her to do something like that?" My dad asked my mom and she shook her head at us.

"You have a choice here Nevaeh." My mom said and Kelly pursed her lips in a thin line.

"Either you get an abortion or you take your things and leave." My mom said and I nodded.

"I understand," I told her before going into my closet and packing a bag.

"Nevaeh what are you doing?!" She asked angrily and I glared at her.

"I'm leaving. I won't get an abortion! I wish I never even met you. I fucking hate you, I wish my real mother raised me." I said and my mom looked at me in shock before she silently left my room.

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