• The American Cop •

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We stopped in front of a house and we didn't have any money. This is just awesome.

"I'll be right back. Navaeh wait here while I go find some money." She said before running toward the house. Hopefully, she'll come back.

After five awkward minutes of waiting Kira came running back to us. She gave the driver some money and grabbed my arm.

"Let's go." She said so I silently followed her into the house.

"Nevaeh meet Jorde." She said and the man held his hand out to me. Talk about Jorde Liddell.

He had dark hair with a few tattoos on his neck. He was still wearing his police uniform. I shook his hand while looking into his light brown eyes.

"Nice to finally meet you Nevaeh." He said and I nodded before looking away from him.

"Likewise," I said before pulling my hand out of his grasp. What the fuck was that? And since when are cops so hot? Or is it just American cops that are hot?

"Listen K, John is working on Nevaeh's passport. Since we're doing everything legally it might take a while." Jorde said and I carefully watched him.

"Why is she looking at me like that?" He asked Kira with an amused smile on his face.

"She is looking at you like that because she doesn't know if she can trust you," I said and his smile broadened.

"Does she?" He asked and I tried to suppress my smile.

"Aren't you a talented little thing?" Kira asked me and I rolled my eyes at her. "Apparently men fall at your feet." She continued.

"I wonder why?" Jorde asked and I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Maybe it's because I'm nice," I said before smiling cutely.

"Can I use your bathroom?" Kira asked Jorde and he nodded. Great she's leaving me again. This time with a strange man.

I looked at the officer who ran a hand through his hair.

"So you and Vasquez?" Jorde asked and I shook my head.

"No, it's not like that," I said softly and he nodded.

"I'm just asking." He said in defense. "But I must ask if you're okay." He said and I sighed.

"You know everyone is asking me that question. I don't know if they genuinely care or if it's just protocol but I don't think I'm okay." I said softly.

"I'll do everything I can to get you back home." He said in a gentle tone so I nodded. "God you must be freezing." He said before handing me his jacket.

He placed it around my shoulders so I thanked him. We then went into a room that seemed like his office.

I looked through a few cases that he was working on and it was all missing girls ranging from the age of eighteen to twenty-one.

"Uhm- have you heard anything about my parents?" I asked Jorde and he looked into my eyes.

"Yes." He said before smiling softly. "Your father did everything in his power to get us on the case. Both of your parents are so determined to find you. They never gave up on you." He said and I smiled while a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You're a brave girl, Nevaeh," Kira said from behind me so I smiled at her before wiping my cheeks dry. 

"Thank you for everything. But you don't have to do this." I told them softly. "Calix might kill you both if he finds us. And he's never going to stop looking for me." I said sadly. "I guess that's my fault," I said before getting up from my seat and going out of the front door.

I stood against a white pillar and watched the stars in the sky.

I suddenly started to feel nauseous so I headed to the bathroom. I don't understand I took my insulin.

I knelt in front of the toilet before emptying my guts. When I was done I splashed my face with cold water before drying my face with a clean towel.

I went outside and searched for Jorde. I saw him in his room. His chest was bare and his tattoos were on full display. Why do they seem so familiar to me?

"Uhm do you have bottled water? Still not sparkling?" I asked and he turned around to face me.

"Yeah, of course." He said before leading me into his kitchen. He handed me a bottle of water so I thanked him.

What the hell is wrong with me? What's with the nausea?

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