• Schemes And Lies •

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I was panicking and subtly trying to figure out what Calix asked me.

"Here we are." Vicente said before pulling into a water park. I sat upright before smiling. Yes- I love swimming.

In water and stuff. This thing that I have to do can't be that bad.

"The karaoke club is up there. Let's go." Vicente said and my eyes widened.


"No- you already said yes. And it's the least you can do." Calix said and I groaned out in frustration.

"Why is this even compulsory?" I asked and they laughed at me.

"It's the rule. You have to sing to get in." Calix said and I sighed. That doesn't even make sense.

We got in a room filled with people. And I frowned. Whatever happened to privacy.

"Cut the line," Vicente said and I frowned at him.

"No way. Can't you wait for those two people to finish?" I asked nervously.

"Fair enough." Calix said and I smiled.

The two girls that went before me obviously could not sing. They should've taken singing lessons in highschool. I went onto the stage and Calix and Vicente cheered me on.


I sang I only want you by Rita Ora. I didn't pick it myself- I swear.

I noticed the smile on Calix's face and I blushed throughout my entire performance.

When I was finally done people got up from their chairs to cheer me on.

"Nice voice pip." Vicente said with a smile on his face and I blushed.

"Heaven." Calix said before placing a kiss in my neck from behind. Vicente glared at Calix's arms that hugged my waist.

"Of course. You guys wanted to embarrass me." I said slowly. "But it didn't work," I said before flicking my hair off my shoulder before going outside.

"Anyways I need to tinkle." I said while looking up at the two men in front of me.

"I'll walk with you." Calix offered.

"And I'll go find our cabana." Vicente said before walking away from us.

When Calix and I got to our suite I entered the bathroom and finished my business.

I pulled the shorts down my legs before going back outside.

Calix looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't say anything. I'm not gonna get dressed again." I told him and he looked at me angrily.

"I guess I'll have to punish you then." He said before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking us to a cabana.

"Calix?" I called when he disappeared inside.

He came back out and wrapped a towel around my body before smiling in accomplishment.

"Am I supposed to swim with a towel around my body?" I asked him and he blankly looked at me.

I pulled the towel from my body and Calix's jaw clenched.

"You're not going out in that." Vicente said as soon as he saw me.

"You guys make it really hard not to be mad at you." I said and they moved out of my way. I went outside to the pool and jumped inside.

I watched Calix and Vicente coming outside and everyone else's eyes landed on them. Way to steal the attention from me.

They both jumped into the water. I went over to the side of the pool and carefully watched them.

I need to get out of here without them becoming suspicious. Maybe I should get them drunk.

Maybe I should lie...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Calix gripped my waist. I smiled when he kissed my cheek.

"A penny for your thoughts." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're the one keeping secrets from me." I said and he chuckled lightly.

"Fair. However, I find out everything that you try to keep from me." He said and I tilted my head to the side.

"Oh really?" I asked faking shock and he kissed me.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked and I shook my head. Calix smiled before kissing me again and I felt butterflies in my chest.

"I have to go take my insulin shot." I told Calix before getting out of the water. And Calix got out after me.

"Is that an invitation?" He asked with a smirk on his face and I shook my head

"No I was just letting you know before you think I'm missing and then you kill everyone here because they haven't seen me," I said and he nodded.

"Very considerate." He said before squeezing my ass.

"I'll be right back," I said before walking back to our suite.

Time for me to find out the truth.

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