• Bathroom Pleasures •

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I went into the bathroom before looking at myself in the mirror. All these secrets are driving me insane.

The door opened behind me and revealed Calix. He locked the door and my heart started thumping in my chest.

He slowly walked over to me. He smirked while watching me and I nervously looked at him.

"What are you doing Heaven?" He asked before lifting my chin. His hand wrapped around my neck before he placed a rough kiss on my lips.

He lifted me onto the sink and I watched him carefully. He smiled mischievously before lifting my dress and licking my clit.

I placed a hand to my mouth and Calix started sucking on my throbbing clit.

"No hands." He said briefly so I placed my hands on the sink. He licked my clit again and I felt my edge nearing.

"Nevaeh!" Vicente called and my eyes widened.

"Keep quiet," Calix said before slipping two fingers into my hole. I moaned out in ecstasy, he knew what he was doing he wanted me to moan.

My legs suddenly shook wildly from the pleasurable orgasm and I shrieked.

A knock was heard on the door but Calix just kissed me. He placed me back on the ground before he turned me around to face the mirror.

He hit my ass and I heard his zipper go down. I bit into my bottom lip when he rubbed his head against my wet slit.

He pushed into me and started fucking me hard. I moaned at the feeling of his large erection stretching me out. He pounded into me and my moans filled the room.

His hand rested on my neck while my back arched in pleasure.

"Spread those legs for me, baby." He grunted into my hair and I spread my legs like a good girl. He hit my ass once more and I moaned.

"Nevaeh!" Vicente called again.

"Go ahead answer him," Calix said while harshly pounding into me.

"I'll be out"

"What?" Vicente asked and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I moaned while Calix hit my G-spot.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled in frustration.

"Oh okay," Vicente said when I started clamping around Calix. A loud moan escaped my lips and Calix pulled out of me before shooting his seed onto the floor. I snapped my legs shut as they shook.

I caught my breath and watched Calix cleaning the floor with a few paper towels.

"Go pee, baby." He said and I nodded before going into a booth with wobbly legs. I can't believe we just did that.


"Okay, I'll go out first. Stay here." I said when I came out to wash my hands. He nodded at me so I went outside.

I felt Calix resting his hand on the small of my back and my eyes widened.

"People are watching," I told Calix while looking up at his tall frame.

"So let them." He said and I blushed. This is so embarrassing. Now everyone knows we had sex.

"What took you so long?" Vicente asked me.

"She fainted so I had to give her an insulin shot," Calix said and I breathed out in relief.

Wow, he's a really good liar. Also, why is he hiding this from Vicente? I thought he didn't care.

"Are you okay?" Vicente asked in concern so I nodded at him.

"I'm much better," I said before glancing at Calix. He smirked at me before gulping a glass of whiskey down.

A slow song came on and Vicente held his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked and I frowned.

"Oh no, I don't dance," I said blankly.

"I'll show you." He said before telling Calix something in Spanish before he scoffed. "I was just saying that it's clear that you didn't grow up in Spain," Vicente said when he saw the frown on my forehead.

I took his hand and he led us onto the dance floor. He showed me the basics and I just rested my head on his shoulder while we danced to the slow song.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, ever." He said and I looked up at him. "That's why I got my best friend to protect you." He said and I frowned.

"You're confusing me," I said slowly.

"What's so confusing?" He asked against my head.

"Who kidnapped me and why?" I asked and he twirled me around.

"I'll tell you when you're ready." He said with a small smile on his face.

"It's fine I don't want to know. And I'm going to escape since there's no reason for me to be here. It's perfectly fine when you're depriving me of my freedom and what makes it worse is all of you acting like you're my friends." I said in an upset tone.

"I was still a child before all of this. And now I'm all alone in a foreign country. I know nothing about life and you took that knowledge away from me the day you kidnapped me." I said before pulling away from him.


"No, nobody is listening to me, I don't want to be here. I just want to go home and be with my mom and my dad." I said angrily.

"This is your home," Vicente said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"This will never be my home," I said angrily. "I don't belong here I can feel it and so does everyone else. I had a life which obviously meant nothing to you at all." I said before walking away from him.

"What's wrong?" Calix asked when I reached him.

"Can we leave?" I asked him before wiping my cheeks dry. He nodded before placing his glass down.

"What did he tell you?" Calix asked angrily while looking at Vicente.

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