✦ chapter fourteen

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when i'm closer to your height,  till then we'll knock around
and see if you're all i need, don't you see me i i think i'm
falling, i'm falling for you ❜ —fallingforyou, the 1975

❛ when i'm closer to your height,  till then we'll knock around and see if you're all i need, don't you see me i i think i'm falling, i'm falling for you ❜ —fallingforyou, the 1975

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THE BANDS SHOWCASE has concluded its strict selection. all units chosen will receive their details this afternoon, so please be sure to prepare the idols accordingly.❞

Kikumoto led the meeting of producers this Monday morning. You skimmed through the documents, occasionally glancing at the woman with a supporting smile. Laptops were also out, the intermittent typing to the producer's agendas and comments on the shared digital outline of the meeting.

It was project after project, a habitual expectation that should not hinder your hopes. Still, for this particular plan, you wonder how the board chose the units without holding any auditions. Only a few of your units managed to get favorable vouches. "This project will also strengthen our agencies' connections with foreign business allies."

Kikumoto finished the meeting shortly after. She walked with you to the elevator, discussing anything you might have trouble with. The older producer may have a reputation for being tenacious, but the guardianship for her friends and the idols she's assigned to outshines that. Ergo, you considers yourself lucky yet again to have been in the same circle with this lady, despite how loud she can be.

"If there's anything you need, feel free to give me a call."

"Thank you, Kikumoto. I'll keep that in mind." You thank as the elevator doors closed. It was just the two of them that entered. The older producer placed a hand atop your head, containing a giggle. "It's clear you're still getting used to this environment, but you're adapting at an incredible pace. You truly have my respect, L/n."

"I don't wanna lose my position, after all." You mumbled, "I wanna keep helping our idols."

"Me too. Let's keep each other motivated, alright?"

"Right. We've got this!"

The bands showcase concert is surely to sweep one off their very own feet. It also isn't going to be easy, even with the words of encouragement given to you by your colleagues. Not even in the slightest when you slept late again to do research on whatever it is the bands showcase is supposed to be and how the units shall be chosen. In your current state of mind, you somewhat found this improbable for an adventurous feat.

Remnants of the conference stuck to your mind as you stepped out the elevator. To the 20th floor, where Starmaker Productions occupied. Kikumoto was called to Rhythm Link, so she had stayed behind.

You put a hand on your forehead as you walked to your destination in the agency. Its colorful atmosphere is sure to comfort your inner anxiousness. On your right hand, there's a folder regarding the unit live proposals for the classy bands showcase project, most importantly the chosen units. You had to whine forlornly, for certain units did not make the cut. Such as Crazy:B, which you had been looking forward to watch perform the most.

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