Chapter 59

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It was 2 days before Christmas and Brad still hadn't woken up. James and Tristan were currently with him while Connor and I were at home washing up. I love Brad but I can't stay in the hospital that long and I know he's understand cause he did the same thing when I was there.

After I had showered and gotten dressed in one of Connors shirts and some jeans, I walked downstairs to see Con just sitting around so I sat next to him.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked in a quirky voice "looking on Twitter" he attempted to mimicked me "I don't sound like that" I said jokingly offended "I don't sound like that" he mimicked attempting to do my voice again "you suck" we did the same thing as before, "I hate you" I joked around "I love you" he kissed my cheek.

I always felt so lucky and happy around Connor. I admit without him in my life id be dead and if not I'd be super depressed and close to death but whenever I'm around him I feel like my life has purpose. Fuck what anyone else says, he is my world! I love him more then you'll ever know.

Connor and I soon decided that it was boring just sitting down in the house alone whilst it was quiet except for the talking through laughing coming from Connor and I so we decided to go down to the mall.

It was Christmas Eve eve so it was quite busy and stuff but we didn't care. I didn't even care that Connor got asked for a photo every few minutes I just wanted to see him happy whilst making the fans happy!

It wasn't long until he was slightly surrounded and I was okay with that. I was a little distracted with a few fans asking me questions and stuff to pay too much attention.

"Ashleigh! How's Bradley going?" Someone yelled at me "he's uh still unconscious but I guess he's getting better" I replied not even knowing who the fuck I was talking to! The questions kept coming and I was starting to get anxiety with all those people standing around me! I felt sick in the stomach. I had wobbly legs. I couldn't breath properly. I felt as though I was going to pass out!! Luckily the security had soon come and told everyone to clear the way and I went straight over to Connor and just hugged him. I really needed it to calm me down.

After walking around a bit we decided to go to the hospital as James texted Con saying we should get there soon.

We walked into the room and there were nurses and doctors surrounding him! I felt worse then I did at the mall surrounded by all the fans. I was having an attack and I really couldn't help it! I couldn't feel my legs at all which caused me to fall onto my knees. Of corse Connor was was there helping me along side the other boys but nat was more focused on Brad which I understood. It took me a few minutes to regain control over my body but once I did I didn't want to let go of Connors hand!

The doctors were yelling things at each other running in and out yet still not one explaining what's wrong to us!!

I'm guessing Connor saw me about to cry and took me out to the hall and who can blame me? I had no idea what was going on! For all I know my brother could be dead right now!!

"Connor" I cried into his shoulder "it's okay ash. Let it out darling" Connor rubbed one of his hands up and down my back "please tell me I'm dreaming" I begged him "I'd love to but sadly I can't" he said as I felt a hand touch my shoulder "Connor. When did you grow an extra hand?" I asked with my head still on his shoulder "I think you should look up" he said and I saw nat "look in the room" she said so whilst holding Connors hand I took a step towards the room "Ashleigh" I heard a soft raspy voice say!

"Bradley!" I said overly excited still trying to keep quiet! "You're okay! You're awake" I ran to him as the doctor moved back "oh god you have no idea how happy I am right now! Wow! You're awake" I didn't exactly know how to feel or what to say!

He was awake! I was beyond happy!!

After the doctors left the boys decided to do a twitcam to inform everyone about what's recent ally been happening and all that stuff. As they were going that I was on Twitter!

'@.ashrosesimpson is the rudest person! I met her today and she totally ignored me. She just stood there doing nothing. Waste of time' I saw in my timeline 'look I'm sorry! There were too many people around me and I couldn't breath. It wasn't my fault' I replied 'wow. Did you really just use your 'anxiety' as an excuse. Stop trying to be cool and btw having anxiety isn't cool so stop pretending you have it' 'are you serious? I'm not pretending! I would never do anything like that. I was about to pass out earlier I'm sorry I didn't see you' 'just leave. Go pretend to cut or be depressed like you always do. We all see those fake marker cut you draw on' 'okay fuck this shit. You don't know shit about me so shut the fuck up. I'm glad I didn't acknowledge you if you were gonna abuse me the whole time' 'and you kiss Connor with that mouth?' She bagged out my language 'as a matter of fact I do. Now I'm done with you please get off Twitter if you're just gonna hate on others' and after that all I saw in my notifications was '@.ashrosesimpson SLAYYYED on Twitter' 'Ashleigh is Twitter queen!!' 'YASS ash you slay that bitch' so I tweeted out to them all 'guys. I didn't 'slay' at anything I was just speaking the truth. Please stop hating on the girl' I wrote.


Okay so at the moment I'm ending book 1 at chapter 60 so I think this is the second last chapter. It sorta rambles on but BRADLEYS AWAKE YAYYY!!!! I'm sorry I didn't write much on Brad being in the coma I write it just as a little drama thing and I just felt sad writing about it so I had to cut it off ((fun fact: originally it was meant to be Connor in a coma but I almost cried at the thought so I'm sorry))

Anyway that's guys for reading this book I'll see you in the last chapter :) enjoy xxxx

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