JJ gets sea sick, best friend

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I am trying something new it is from JJ's perspective.
I swallow harshly trying to shove the vomit down. I don't know why I am getting so sea sick. I am probably hung over. Me and Y/N partied with the kooks and she got us into a drinking contest. She spent the night puking all over the place and I am going to spend the day puking on the boat. Lucky me... "wanna beer?" John B asked handing one to Y/N. She sighs thinks about it a minute before chugging it. I rolled my eyes the girl never learned her lesson. "J?" He asked. I shake my head. "You good?" He asked a little nervous. I nod. "Yeah." I say trying to convince the both of us. He gives me a look then Y/N before returning to steering the boat. "You ok J?" She asked sitting next to me. I shrug. "Whats up?" I shake my head. I didn't trust my voice right now. If I opened my mouth chunks were going all over the deck. She scans over me. I quickly pull myself over to the side of the boat and throw up the gallons of alcohol I had last night. "Oh my god! JJ!" Kiara shouts. Pope scrambled away from me. Pretty soon I am laying on the deck with Y/N laying next to me and rubbing my back and Kiara going through the cooler to find some water. John B made the decision to drive back to the château. "I am fine." I say kinda upset I ruined the fishing trip. "Your throwing up JJ. Your not." Kie said shoving a water bottle at me. "Cause I am hungover as hell. It's making me a little sea sick. It's not worth ruining your fishing trip." John B cuts off the rest of my sentance. "JJ it's fine. We are going to go back and just chill. I sigh.  "Y/N/N?" I question. "Hmm?" She hums looking up at me. "We're never doing that again. The hangover isn't worth it. The puking isn't worth it." I whine. "But the look on Rafe's face was." She smiles. I groan. "You do it next time." Pope looks at Kie and John B confused. "No clue." They say at the same time. "I may have dragged JJ to a party last night. And we ended up doing a shot contest with Rafe and Topper." They all laugh. "You guys won??" Pope says skeptical. I nod. "We definitely did..." I mumble. "Rafe and Topper where throwing up. This one didn't start throwing up till we got home. Thankfully..." I mumble poking Y/N she laughs. "I threw up on you." I nod. "You did. We are never doing it again." Kiara John B and Pope give us a look that just said you guys are fucking stupid. Smile a little. "Well maybe." They roll their eyes and leave me and Y/N a laughing mess on the floor.


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