JJs Girlfriend Fight & Panic attack

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"What the fuck is your problem?!" Sarah shouts annoyed. I slap her drink out of her hand attracting people's attention. "You! You are a greedy selfish bitch!" I scream. "Excuse me?" She shouts. "You heard me! How could you do this to him?!" I shout beyond pissed. "You mean John B? He told me to go away!" She shouts. "Yes I am talking about John B! He is your fucking husband! I don't give a fuck if you fight like toddlers! Till you sign the fucking divorce papers you will not betray him like this! You fucking cheated on him! With a Kook!" I shout. "Wait you guys were married?!" Topper screams. "And I was your fucking Maid of Honor! And you cheat on my brother! You stupid fucking slut!" She grabs Toppers drink out of his hands and throws it on me. "You're fucking done!" I shout throwing my bag on the floor and punching her in the face. She stumbles over. "Stop! Get off her!" Topper shouts. I keep punching her, hitting her, kicking her until I feel Popes arms around me. "Y/N! enough!" He shouts. "You fucking broke him!" I scream as Pope pulls me away. "Put me down! Put me down! Get your hands off!" I scream. He puts me in the back of the van and locks the door. "Let me out!" I scream. Kiara climbs in. "You need to calm the fuck down." She snaps. "Let. Let me out." I pant. "Woah are you good?" She asked as I start hyperventilating. "I I can't breathe." I shout pulling my knees into my chest. "Pope! Go get JJ now!" Kiara shouts. "Just breathe Y/N!" Kiara says putting a hand on my knee. "I c. Can't." I say tears running down my face. JJ climbs into the van. "What is going on?" He said wrapping his arms around me. "She's having a panic attack or something. Pope had to rip her off of Sarah." He sighs and kisses my forehead. "Breathe baby." He says rubbing my back. "I can't." I sob rubbing my face into his chest. "I'm right here baby. Focus on my voice." He says pulling me onto his lap and rocking. "She broke him." I sob. "I know Baby. I know." He mumbles. "I want to kill her." I say still sobbing. "I know baby. But you cant." He chuckles. "I can try." I mumble into his chest. "You calm down?" He asked holding me. "Yeah. Im sorry I beat the shit out of her." I mumble exhausted. "It's all good. She had it coming. But if you are going to get in a fight please make sure I am there to pull you're crazy ass away." I laugh. "Fair deal."

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