JJ's Girlfriend, Kiara's Sister

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The reader is McKenzie, 16, JJ's girlfriend and Kie's twin sister

McKenzie had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Her head was pounding and her muscles felt like lead. Of course, it was a Monday. She hated Mondays and school. Pulling herself out of bed she stumbled to the bathroom to see her sister Kie brushing her teeth. "Mom and Dad are going to kill you." She says taking in her sister's horrible appearance. "Why?" McKenzie mumbles leaning against the doorway tiredly. "You are hungover. John B is going to be here in like 20 minutes. Get your shit together McKenzie." Kie sighs spitting out her toothpaste. "No, I'm not. I think I am sick. My st-" She pauses feeling an odd sensation in her stomach. Before she could even act last night's dinner splatters all over the tile floor with a sickening echo. "Oh my god! Mom! Dad!" Kiara screams uncomfortable with how close her sister's stomach contents were to her feet. Fast footsteps raced up the stairs as Mike and Anna rushed into their daughter's bathroom. Meanwhile, McKenzie was making a beeline to the toilet to contain the next round. "Oh Sweetie... You are ok get everything up, baby." Anna soothes rubbing her back. "Why don't you go finish getting ready Honey," Mike says to Kiara who is standing there disgusted. She nods and hurries to her room. "I'm sorry Daddy. I didn't know I was going to throw up." McKenzie quickly apologizes when she gets a break from heaving her guts up. "Don't worry about that Honey, how are you feeling?" Mike questions stepping over the puddle of vomit. "Sick." She whispers. "Alright. Well, why don't you go get in bed? I'm going to clean up a little and Anna I can handle this if you want to head to work." Anna places a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead and nods. "I'll turn my ringer on. Call if you need anything, baby." Anna says heading downstairs. "Alright, head into bed, I am going to clean up."

30 Minutes later

Mike had left for work and Kie had left with all the Pouges when McKenzie woke up to a knock on her door. "Go away." She grumbled from under the covers. "Heard you weren't feeling too hot cupcake." McKenzie immediately perks up hearing her boyfriend's voice. "J?" She questions quickly trying to fix her matted hair. "What are you doing here?" She says cheeks turning bright red in embarrassment. "Kie said you weren't feeling well. I wanted to check in on you. Keep my princess some company." He smiles leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "You might not want to be here. I might have the stomach bug." She mutters embarrassed. "All the more reason to stay with you." He smiles. "Puking is the least attractive thing on the planet." She whispers. "I don't mind cupcake. I'm not here for sex. I'm here to help you out." JJ says rolling his eyes. The biggest obstacle in their relationship was McKenzie's insecurities. No matter how much JJ worshipped her, McKenzie still was always second-guessing herself. "Then can you please get me some water?" She whispers. "Yeah. I'll be right back." He returns a few minutes later leaving a glass of water on her end table. She takes a cautious sip then looks to JJ. "Will you please lay with me." He smiles and cuddles up next to her pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Close your eyes cupcake." JJ whispers rubbing her neck.

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