John Bs Sister Sick

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"John B. John B, wake up." I mumble shaking him. "God. What?" He mumbles putting his pillow over his head. "I need a Tylenol. Wake up." He slowly took the pillow off his head and stood up putting a pair of shorts on over his boxers. "What did you need?" He asked tiredly. "A Tylenol." I say again. "God. What time is it? For what?" He said walking into the kitchen. "2. And none of your business." I say annoyed. "Yeah it is. You are waking me up and 2am to get one." He said unlocking the safe. "You don't need to lock them up John B. I am fine." I say more annoyed. He grabs two Tylenol and locks the safe turning around. "Yes I do. Because until I am 101% convinced you won't do that again they are staying here." He says firmly. "I won't. You are over reacting." I say grabbing them from him. "You still don't understand. I walked inside and I thought you were dead. You were dead. I had to bring you back to life. Never again is that going to happen." He says going to big brother mode. "Yeah." I whisper. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Alright get to bed." He says tiredly. I take a sip of whoever's water is in the counter and swallow the pills. I start walking to my room and pauses. Something didn't feel right. John B slammed into me. "Why'd you stop?" He asked confused. I push past him and run to the sink throwing everything back up. "Oh shit. You good?" He asked sitting on the counter "Mhmm." I mumble turning on the water to rinse out the sink. "Why don't you get in bed I will get that." He says getting down. I nod and mumble a thank you. I walk down to my room and roll over a few times trying to get comfortable with no prevail. "Hey you good?" John B asked from the doorway. "Would you mind getting me a bucket? I don't think my nights going to get any better." I mumble putting my hands over my face annoyed and embarrassed. "Yeah of course. I am sorry you feel so shitty." He said walking out. "Hey why don't you FaceTime J and ask him to come over?"  He said putting the trash can next to me. "Invite my boyfriend over to watch me puke?" I say sarcastically. "He has seen you puke like twenty times. Besides he can lay with you. You know he won't mind coming over at 2 am for you either." He says chuckling. I sigh and mumble a "love you good night." Back to him and open my phone up to JJs contact and dial his number. "Hey Babe." He slurs tiredly. "Hey sorry to wake you up." I say feeling a little guilty. "Don't worry about it. What's so important you got me up at 2:34 in the morning." He chuckles. "Would you mind coming over? I really don't feel good." I mumble. My voice getting smaller and smaller. "Yeah of course Love. I will be there in five." He says not hesitating. I smile to myself. "Thank you J." He chuckles again. "Yeah of course. See you soon." I smile and hang up. It doesn't last long cause like five seconds later my stomach starts flipping. I take deep breaths and curl up in a ball trying to get comfortable. Begging for it to pass. It didn't.  I lean forward and throw up again and again and again.  "John B." I cry at some point. He pauses a minute at the door way and sighs walking in. He sat next to me rubbing my back and holding my hair back.
"Oh sweetheart..." JJ mumbled walking in as I was sobbing into John Bs chest. He kneeled down in front of me ignoring the bucket of puke that reeked right next to him. He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. "I got puke on the sweatshirt you gave me." I said crying harder. "Well good thing I brought another one for you." JJ said untying the sweatshirt around his waist. "Can you get her?" John B asked standing up. "Yeah I got her." JJ said taking his spot next to me. He helped me take off my sweatshirt. "I don't feel good." He kisses my forehead. I know. "It's alright. Let's lay down." He says helping me into my new hoodie and laying down with me. John B takes away the bucket while JJ rubs my stomach.

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