A Little Peace Of Mind

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Leroy was back at the Yellow Kingdom castle. Leroy, Hunter Green Steve, Light Steve, Trevil, Yellow Leader, Nickle, Ash and Rocky were at the castle. Light Steve was still in a lot of disbelief from what happened. Trevil leaned off the wall and walked over to Leroy. "Do you have any ideas about what we can do?" He asks. "I don't know. We haven't spotted Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King on Earth yet. They seemed to have hidden away and that's what I'm worried about." Leroy says. "Strange." Light Steve says. "Yeah, we haven't spotted him at all and no one else on Earth spotted them either." Ash says. "They might be up to something." Hunter Green Steve says. Rocky barks. Light looks at her. Leroy sighs. He was pretty upset still.  "Leroy, the navy diamond could provide some more power to you. Since you have a lot of power already as it seems. You could be able to upgrade it with the navy diamond." Trevil says. "I could try." Leroy says. He looks at the diamond closely. "I'm still pretty worried on what Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King could be up to. I don't even know how we will be able to stop them." He says. "We don't have to know yet. Leroy, you should probably get some rest. I think we all should. We've been pretty stressed lately and I think it would be best for us all to get some rest before we know for sure." Nickle says. "Nickle's right. We have been under a lot of stress lately so I believe we should too." Yellow Leader says. Leroy sighed and nodded. He was pretty tired. They all agreed to get some rest before they all start planning on what to do. Leroy and Rocky returned to their house. Leroy was looking out the window at the kingdom. He sighs. Rocky barks. Leroy looks at her. He walks over and grabs the diamond off the shelf. He looked at it closely. Then he heard a knock at his door. He walked downstairs to answer it. Light Steve was at the door. "Hey Leroy, are you alright?" He asks. "I'm fine. Just trying to figure things out." Leroy says. "I was going to go see Professor Red to check on him. The Red Leader informed me and the others he hasn't really been doing well." Light Steve says. "How so?" Leroy asks. "He hasn't left his lab at all and when someone goes to see him. He's pretty unstable and also has been acting a bit suspicious." Light Steve says. "Oh. Well let's go get Trevil first." Leroy says. Light Steve nods.

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