The BloodBath

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Leroy looked on in shock in the library. It was a bloodbath in there! All the people who were there were all dead. Blood was everywhere on the floor, the shelves, the walls and lots of other things. Leroy put his hands on his head in complete shock. He heard a caw. He looked up and saw the eagle sitting on the shelf. "What the heck happened here?" He asks. The eagle flew down and landed on his shoulder. But then he looked over at the wall and noticed something there. It was darkness spreading across the walls. Now Leroy knew exactly who did this. Leroy ran out of the library. The people around watched him run. Leroy made it back to the forest but before he ran to the campsite, the eagle flew off his shoulder. Leroy looked up. The eagle landed on the tree branch. The eagle cawed at him. Leroy nodded and continued running to the campsite. When he made it there, the others were just waking up. "Leroy. Where did you go?" Nickle asks. "Guys. We have a huge problem." Leroy says. "What is it?" Light Steve asks. "An eagle apparently lead me to the library in town and I saw a massive bloodbath there." Leroy says. They all gasp. "Leroy, are you sure that's what you saw?" Chips asks. "I'm sure. I can show you." Leroy says. They all nod and follow Leroy to the library. Once they make it, Leroy shows them what happened in the library. All of them were shocked. "Oh jesus." Nickle says. Hunter Green Steve looked around the library investigating the place. Light Steve spotted the wall with darkness spreading across it. "Did you see that Leroy?" He asks. "I did. I know Wrath Steve and The Eternal Dark King did this. They must have done this this morning or yesterday sometime." Leroy says. Hunter Green Steve nods. "What the heck have they done?" Chips asks. "I don't know. But I don't know where they went either." Leroy says. "Think again." Someone says. They all look up and there was Wrath Steve. He jumps down and approaches Leroy. Leroy approaches him. "Leroy, what are you-" Trevil stopped after realizing Navy particles were surrounding Leroy. Wrath Steve noticed too but didn't stop approaching him. Leroy summoned the navy diamond. They all gasped. Leroy and Wrath Steve locked in battle. Leroy punched him away into a table. Wrath Steve jumped back up and tried to punch him but he ducked and kicked him away.  Trevil gasped. "He absorbed the navy diamonds power!" He exclaims. Leroy ducks from Wrath Steve's attack again and kicks him away. "Murderer!" Leroy shouts at Wrath Steve. Wrath Steve looks at Leroy angrily. "I may be a murderer but I am still the darkness emperor. Earth will soon be mine." He says. Leroy looks at him angrily and paws at the ground with his foot ready to rush at him. Wrath Steve was ready as well. He hisses at Leroy. They both lock in battle. Wrath Steve goes to scratch him but then scratches over his eye. Blood was dripping from his face. He looks up at Wrath Steve. A huge cut was over his eye. He already had a bad scar over his face but the cut over his eye was much worse. Leroy punched him away with the power from the navy diamond. Wrath Steve staggered back and looked up at him angrily. He rushed at Leroy and punched him down. He grabbed him by the throat. He was in so much anger now. Leroy kicked him away. "Dang Leroy. The navy diamond helped you a lot." Wrath Steve mocks. "You've gone way too far Wrath Steve. You need to stop here." Leroy says. Wrath Steve first chuckles, then laughs very loudly. "Oh please. Stop it? Like I would. Now... You.... Die." He says. He rushes at Leroy and stabs him in the heart. "LEROY!" The others exclaim.

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