Hunter Green Steve's story

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Leroy nods wanting to hear his story. Hunter Green Steve sighs. "Well, I was a kind of different green Steve. Of course, I still showed the same interest as other green steves but I would always go out to explore without informing a person, I was nicknamed Hunter Green Steve because anytime I returned, I would always have brought something with me so they always called me and that's what my official name became but as I was pretty different from other Green Steves with my stronger curious nature than anyone else in the kingdom and my addiction to going out without informing anyone, they would often shun me. I know it's nothing too different but I never felt apart of the green kingdom. But the Green Leader liked my curious nature so he would ask me to go out and discover new things never seen before but one thing is though, since I never felt apart of the green kingdom, I at one point just left the green kingdom completely." He explains. Leroy gasps. "One day, when I was out and about in the world a year ago I believe. I was in a forest and I heard a loud crash sound. When I went to investigate, I found him. Red Steve. He was stuck under a tree that had fallen on him so I had to get him out from under the tree. He also had the same curious nature like I did. He became my best friend after I rescued him. But, one day, something tragic happened that changed my life forever." He continues. "What happened?" Leroy asks. "I had another friend who was a Violet Steve but while me, him and Red Steve were exploring near a ravine. I nearly fell into it after some phantoms swooped down to attack us. It was the middle of the night so they weren't burning. But Violet Steve was able to save me. But right at the time he got me back up, another swooped down and knocked Violet Steve into the ravine. There was also lava below so he fell into there. So since then, I haven't been really trying to get over his loss, I've really been grieving for the longest time. That's probably why I lost my temper when I first met you." Hunter Green Steve explains. Leroy couldn't believe it. "Oh my gosh." He says, "I'm so sorry." "It's fine. It was a while ago and I don't ever like to talk about it as it always brings the pain back." Hunter Green Steve says. "I can relate. Talking about Innocent Orange Steve or my teacher will bring the pain from before back to me." Leroy says. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I guess we both share similar histories." Hunter Green Steve says. "Yeah. I guess we do." Leroy says. They both put their heads down. Even though they didn't say anything else at the time. Leroy knew he had bonded with Hunter Green Steve very well.

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