The Major Sacrifice

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Leroy finally wakes up. He looked up and saw the others standing around him. "Leroy, are you alright?" Nickle asks. "I'm fine. You guys alright?" Leroy asks sitting up. "Shh. Wrath Steve is still here but he's hiding somewhere now." Trevil says. Leroy stands up. "Leroy how did you gain control of the Navy Diamond?" Trevil asks. "Long story. I'll explain later." Leroy says. "We've been looking all over for Wrath Steve. No sign of him." Chips says. Leroy looked around for Wrath Steve but still couldn't find him. "Wrath Steve, where are you?" Leroy shouts. "Right here." Wrath Steve says. Leroy looks up at one of the lights and there he was. Wrath Steve staring down at him. "Get down here!" Leroy exclaims. "If you insist." Wrath Steve says. He jumps down in front of Leroy. Leroy backs away. Then he rushes at Wrath Steve and they lock in battle again. But then Wrath Steve kicks him away. Leroy got back up and knocks Wrath Steve to the ground with his sword. Then he quickly smashed Wrath Steves head against the shelf and knocked him out. Leroy backed away. Light Steve looks at first Leroy, Wrath Steve, Nickle, Chips, Hunter Green Steve, Trevil then back at Wrath Steve. "Guys. Run!" Light Steve shouts to his friends. Leroy looks at Light Steve. "Wait what about you?" Nickle asks. "Just go! I can handle this!" Light Steve shouts. "Wait no! Light Steve you can't! You're going to die!" Leroy exclaims. "No. I've already been through way too much. If I die, I die. You need to give me this Leroy." Light Steve says. Leroy stares at Light Steve for a long moment. He sighs. He walks over to Light Steve. "Here." He says giving him an extra pistol. "Good luck Light Steve." Hunter Green Steve says. Light Steve bows his head. The others run out of the building. Light Steve approaches Wrath Steve. He sighs and points his gun at Wrath Steve. But then he hears something distracting him and then out of nowhere, Wrath Steve jumps back up and kicks the gun out of Light Steves hand. Light Steve unsheathes his spear and attacks Wrath Steve the best he can. The two wrestled around in the library. Light Steve punched him in the mouth making him stagger back for a moment. Wrath Steve wanted to fight back so he punched him in the face. This didn't deter Light Steve but then Wrath Steve reveals he has a sword. Light Steve gasps. But then he is stabbed in the stomach. Wrath Steve digs the sword into his stomach deeper. Light Steve screams. Wrath Steve holds him in place to keep him from struggling to get free. Wrath Steve laughs. He unsheathes another sword and stabs Light Steve in the back. He cut up his spinal cord and his blood splattered everywhere. Wrath Steve ripped up his spine a lot to kill him. Light Steve didn't notice how much Wrath Steve was cutting up his organs as well, not just his spine. Wrath Steve whispers in Light Steves ear, "Finally I got you. It's an honor to have gotten a friend of the legend Sabre." Wrath Steve laughs again. "Die." He says. He rips both swords out of his stomach and back. More blood flew everywhere. Light Steve groaned in pain. He fell to the ground dead from his spine and organs being ripped up. Wrath Steve puts his foot on Light Steve's chest and laughs loudly proud that he had gotten Light Steve. Later on, police cars and ambulances surrounded the library. Leroy and the others made it back there. Nickle looked over and saw Light Steve was getting taken into an ambulance. "Oh no." She says. Leroy looks over as well. He gasps and sheds a tear realizing both Wrath Steve and Shadow Sabre were right about losing one of his friends. Now he felt very guilty for all of this.

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