False Threat

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"Wrath Steve?" Leroy says. Wrath Steve was staring down at him with an evil smirk. But then Wrath Steve grabbed his throat and lifted him up. "I know who's making you sense us." He whispers. "How do you know?" Leroy asks. "It's pretty obvious. Well, leaving friends unsafe is a bad idea especially with the Eternal Dark King also on the loose." Wrath Steve explains. Leroy gasps. "Oh no." He says. His voice was kind of raspy from being grabbed by the throat. But Wrath Steve wasn't gripping as tight as he normally would. "But you want to know something that you don't know?" He asks. Leroy looks at him angrily. "Eternal Dark King always knows where your friends are." Wrath Steve says. "Oh shoot." Leroy says. He kicks Wrath Steve in the stomach so Leroy could get free. But Wrath Steve then laughed. "I know who's coming to find you. But two were left at her house." He says. Leroy gasps. Meanwhile, back at Nickle's house, Ash and Chips were awaiting their friends return. "You think Leroy's alright?" Ash asks Chips. "I don't know. I hope so." Chips says. Ash puts her head down. "I've just been wondering if we will all make it through this." She says turning away. Chips gets off the bed and looks at her sadly. Ash sighs. "I mean, those two are very strong. We told you what happened to Nickle before you got here." Ash says turning back to her. Chips nods. "Honestly, I wish I had an answer to that but sacrifices may have to be made in order to get through this." She says. "True. I just wish we knew who might go out and who might live." Ash says. "I wish we could too but-" she stops looking at Ash shocked. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Ash asks. Eternal Dark King was standing right behind her. "Ash. WATCH OUT!" Chips screams. Ash gasps and turns around but then she is stabbed in the arm by Eternal Dark King. Ash screams in pain. Chips gasps and rushes towards them pushing Ash out of the way and also kicking Eternal Dark King. But then he grabbed Chips and pushed her into a bookshelf knocking her out. Ash got back up and went to attack Eternal Dark King but then he grabbed her and pulled her to the ground. He held her down and was about to stab her. "Not today fluffer." She says. Ash kicks him off and into the door. She gets back up and noticed something. It was Hunter Green Steves sword. She rushed over and grabbed it. Eternal Dark King went for her but she sliced his chest. He screamed and backed away. "Get your shadowy butt out of here." Ash says. Eternal Dark King stood up. "I hear you want to know who is going to die and live. Well, your friend Nickle is going for Wrath Steve. I'll just tell him to kill her first." Eternal Dark King says. Ash gasps. "Wait no! Don't!" She says. Eternal Dark King turns back to her smiling. Ash drops the sword. She nods. Eternal Dark King smiles again. "You're willing to take the kill for your friend?" He asks. Ash sighs and nods. He goes for her again but then Chips appears and pushes him away. "You're not killing her tonight idiot!" She exclaims. "Fine! I'll kill you then!" Eternal Dark King exclaims angrily. He grabs Chips by the shoulders and slices her leg open. She screams. "Chips!" Ash exclaims. Eternal Dark King goes to stab her in the chest but Ash pushed him away in time. "Stay back!" She shouts. But then Eternal Dark King stabs Ash in the chest. She screams. Chips looked up and gasped. Ash pulled away and collapsed on the bed. Eternal Dark King looked at Chips. "She was willing to take the hit." He says. Chips was on the ground bleeding from her leg. "Wrath Steve wanted me to kill one so I did what he said." Eternal Dark King says. He teleports away.

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