The Mysterious Cassette Tape

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A few days later. Leroy sat up in his hospital bed. He had been taken to the hospital after the battle so the doctors could make sure none of his organs had been hurt badly from the Rainbow Diamond as well as making sure none of his bones were broken either. Leroy sat on the edge of the bed. He yawned. Nickle then came in. "Hey Leroy." She says. He looks over. "Hey Nickle." He says. She sat down next to Leroy. "Are you okay now?" She asks. "I'm fine. Still have been recovering from that fight. That was crazy." He says. "Yeah. It sure was. I wasn't expecting that to happen. I'm sorry about Rocky." She says. "It's alright." Leroy says. "I hear the steves are going to be making a special memorial for Light and Rocky. And Hunter Green Steve is getting better from being infected." Nickle explains. "Good. How's Ash?" Leroy asks. "She's fine. She's going to be let out of the hospital soon. The cuts weren't too deep and it didn't hit any bones or organs so she is alright." Nickle says. Leroy sighs of relief. He stands up. He was limping a bit from the attack. Nickle stood up as well. She was also limping. "I guess we're both limping." She says jokingly. Leroy chuckles. "But didn't the hospital say your limp is permanent?" He asks. "Yeah. I was cut in the leg and my ankle was messed up pretty bad so I'm left with a permanent limp now." She says. Leroy sighs sadly. He crosses his arms. "Leroy, isn't the Yellow Leader passing the torch soon?" She asks. "Yeah. He said he is passing it on soon." Leroy says. "I'm sure he's going to pass it to you." Nickle says. "I doubt it." He says. "Leroy, are you still unsure about being a king?" She asks crossing her arms. "Yeah. I don't know if I would do good as a king. I failed to save most of my friends and I almost failed to save you, Chips and Ash." He says putting his head down. "Leroy, that wasn't your fault. We're all alright. I know Light Steve is gone but if he were still here. He'd be very proud of you for becoming the fifth hero and defeating Wrath Steve. He would want you to be a future king and believe in yourself for being one because you do deserve to be the king of the yellow steves." She says. Leroy was taken aback from that. He remembered how Light Steve did in fact want him to be brave enough to become a king as well as believing in himself for that. Leroy turns towards her. "I'll have to see about that." He says. Nickle smiles and hugs him. They both head to go see Ash. She was sitting on the edge of her hospital bed but she was holding something. It was a cassette tape. "Hey Ash." Leroy says after entering her room. "Oh hey Leroy. How are you doing?" She asks. "I'm fine. What's that you got there?" He asks. She looks at the cassette tape. "Hunter Green Steve found this in an alleyway near where you guys fought. He gave it to me just a few hours ago." She says handing it to Leroy. He looked at it closely. There was a name on top. It was titled, 'My last note.' Leroy stared at in confused. "Can we play that somehow?" Ash asks. "I may have a cassette player. My mom may have one." Nickle says. "I wonder what this contains." Leroy says. But then he gasps remembering that Shadow Sabre was gesturing to something when he was fighting with Wrath Steve near the alleyways. Leroy knew this must have been what he was gesturing to.

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