The Fight Begins

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The eagle lands on a tree. He caws. Then he flies off. Leroy was pacing. "Leroy, you need to control your pacing." Nickle says. Leroy laughs. He stops pacing. "Do you think we're all ready for this?" Hunter Green Steve asks. They all look at each other. A silence falls between them. "Yes. We're ready for war. We always were and always will be." Leroy says. They all smile. But then, lighting strikes behind them. They all look over and Wrath Steve appears. The people in the town have all hid somewhere to keep themselves safe. "Well well well. I was expecting all of you to be here." Wrath Steve says. "I could say the same thing." Leroy says. "Well, if you think you are ready. Then let's go ahead and end this." Wrath Steve says. "Alright Venom. You wanted a fight. Then this is where it needs to end!" Leroy shouts. Wrath Steve laughs. "Try me." He says. Leroy looks at his friends. They nod. Leroy takes a deep breath and then screams, "LEROY!" Then flew at Wrath Steve punching him in the stomach and up into the air. Wrath Steve wasn't expecting this. Leroy was now flying from the core and the navy diamond powering him. Wrath Steve and Leroy rush at each other again. The two get in a very violent fight. Leroy uses the Navy Diamond to punch Wrath Steve in the mouth. The two continued to battle. Wrath Steve grabbed Leroy and threw him to the top of a building. Wrath Steve landed. Leroy gets back up. The two lock in battle again. Leroy tried to punch him in the head but Wrath Steve grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. Leroy got back up and they continued to fight. He punched Wrath Steve into the air and kicked him away. Wrath Steve slowed himself down and rushed at Leroy again. Then punched him in the eye. But when Leroy looked back up, the eye he was punched in was glowing red from the core. Wrath Steve gasps. "The core?" He asks. "Yeah. You didn't know did you?" Leroy asks. Wrath Steve was a bit worried now but wasn't going to give up. Leroy backed away and the navy diamond powered him completely. "You're, you're overpowered." Wrath Steve says shocked. Hunter Green Steve steps up and shoots Wrath Steve in the shoulder. He growls and screeches at them. He flies down and lands in front of them. "Guys watch out!" Leroy shouts. But before Wrath Steve could attack, he screeches in pain. He had been shot in the back of the shoulder. They all look at what shot him. But when they looked, there was Chips holding a pistol poised at Wrath Steve. Hunter Green Steve chuckles. "I see she's got the same personality as me." He says crossing his arms. Nickle looks at him smiling. Leroy smiles. "You really thought you could stop us?" He asks. Wrath Steve looks up at him angrily. He didn't know who to go for now. He looked at Leroy, Nickle, Hunter Green Steve, Trevil and then at Chips. He rushed at her but she shot him in the mouth. This didn't deter him however. He rushed for her again but Leroy landed in front of her knocking him away. "ENOUGH!" Leroy exclaims. "This is where you've all drawn the line!" Wrath Steve shouts back at him. He grabs Leroy by the throat and throws him up into the air and they once again get into a heated battle. They set lots of the buildings on fire from all the power they were using. But then Wrath Steve all of a sudden gains the upper hand and punches Leroy down to the top of a building again. He holds Leroy down and was just about to stab him but then a growl is heard. They both look over and there was Rocky. She was growling at Wrath Steve. "Rocky! Run!" Leroy exclaims. Rocky doesn't listen and jumps at Wrath Steve grabbing his sword from him. Wrath Steve growled at her and tried to get it back from her but she threw the sword away. Leroy had the chance to kick Wrath Steve off him. Rocky helped Leroy get back up. He chuckled. "Rocky, keep yourself away. I don't want you getting hurt like before." He says. Rocky barks and walks off. Leroy gets back up. He flies back up into the air. Wrath Steve gets in front of him. "You're not going anywhere." He says. Leroy stares at him angrily. "Leroy!" He hears someone call. They both look down and there was the Yellow Leader along with Green Steve, Professor Red and many other steves. Leroy gasps. Yellow Leader had all chromatic diamonds in his hands. Leroy knew this was it.

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