The Darkness Infection Begins

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The four get to the center of town immediately. "We need to get everyone ready for the fight." Nickle says. "Nickle, you and Trevil need to warn everyone as best you can. Hunter Green Steve, you and I need to find Wrath Steve. We should split up to prepare." Leroy says. "Good idea. Meet back here in thirty minutes." Trevil says. They all agree and rush to do their jobs. "Leroy, I'll scout out around the library. He could be there." Hunter Green Steve says. "Alright but be careful." Leroy says. Hunter Green Steve nods and rushes off. He enters the library and sees that the area wasn't all cleaned up yet. There was still a lot of blood on the ground. "What a mess." He says. Hunter Green Steve sighs. He walks over to the part of the library infected with darkness. "Hopefully the rest of Earth doesn't turn out like this." He says. But then, he is grabbed by the throat from behind and thrown to the ground. Hunter Green Steve gasps and found Wrath Steve had returned. He jumps back up and attacks Wrath Steve. The two lock in battle. "Oh. You think you can stop me?" Wrath Steve asks. "You know we will. You aren't going to win." Hunter Green Steve says. Wrath Steve punches Hunter Green Steve to the ground. "I see. Well, Leroy won't be the one defeating me. And you won't either." Wrath Steve says walking closer to him. Hunter Green Steve kicks him in the face. He gets back up. Then he takes out his gun and shoots him in shoulder. Wrath Steve screeches and backs away. "You killed your friend idiot." Hunter Green Steve says. Wrath Steve gasps. Then he shakes his head as if he was just in a flashback. "I don't care. I may have killed my friend but he was already going to betray me. He provoked me until I finally had enough." He says, "Darkness will rise. Darkness won't be destroyed. Darkness... Is... One." Wrath Steve laughs. "You shouldn't have come here." He says. Hunter Green Steve looks at him confused. But then Wrath Steve grabs him by the throat and bites him in the chest. Hunter Green Steve screams. Wrath Steve then throws him to the ground. Hunter Green Steve gets back up. "What the heck was that supposed to-" he coughs. Wrath Steve smiles. Hunter Green Steve coughs up blood. "Really thought all of you would carry on without one of you being infected?" Wrath Steve asks. Hunter Green Steve gasps and coughs more falling to his knees. He slumps over and was convulsing on the ground. Wrath Steve crosses his arms. Hunter Green Steve looks at Wrath Steve angrily. He sits back up. He was holding his arm over his chest. He stands up. "I hate you." Hunter Green Steve says. Then he teleports himself out of there.

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