A Problem At Hand

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After going to pick up Trevil, Leroy and Light Steve went to go talk to Professor Red. The three enter his lab. Professor Red was leaned against his table and was very upset. "Professor." Light Steve says. Professor Red looked over at them. "Oh hello. What are you three doing here?" He asks. "We wanted to come talk to you." Trevil says. "About what?" Professor Red asks. "The Red Leader said you weren't doing too well and we wanted to know what the problem was." Leroy says. Although he kind of already knew. "I... Well..." Professor Red trails off. But then something appears behind Leroy. They all didn't realize until Leroy exclaimed and jumped up after the thing grabbed him. "Leroy, what's wrong?" Trevil asks. "I don't know. Just felt something." Leroy says. "Weird." Light Steve says. "I'm probably just tired." Leroy says. "Professor, we are trying to plan on what to do about Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King." Light Steve says. "I have been kind of too.I wanted to see if I could help but I don't know what exactly I can do." Professor Red says. "We're thinking Leroy could be able to upgrade his powers and become stronger than Wrath Steve. Or at least try to." Trevil says. Leroy chuckles. "What do you have in mind currently?" Professor Red asks. "I'm going to try and use the Navy Diamond to my advantage and use it since I should be fine to use it without getting hurt." Leroy says showing him the Navy Diamond. He sets it on the table and Professor Red looks at it closely. "I see." He says. Then he looks over at the part of the lab being powered by the core of the red kingdom. "I'm not sure if this is such a good idea but I could maybe find a way to get some power from the core and you could maybe use it." He says. "Well, I just hope I can stay stable enough for that to work. But if you can modify it or something then maybe it could work somehow." Leroy says. "Are you sure you want to risk it Leroy?" Light Steve asks. "I should be fine. It's not like I haven't took risks similar to that before." Leroy says. Light Steve chuckles. "I guess you have." He says. They all agree to the plan with the core and Professor Red began modifying it.

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