The Fifth Hero

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Wrath Steve was shocked. Leroy looks at him. "Said I was overpowered?" He asks. Wrath Steve looks at him angrily. "We have to get these diamonds to Leroy." Yellow Leader says. "But how?" Trevil asks. "Wait a second. Is there a way we can mix all the diamonds into a rainbow diamond?" Green Steve asks. "Maybe." Trevil says. With the help of the other steves, Yellow Leader was able to mix all the diamonds and make the Rainbow Diamond. "Okay. Now we need to find a way to get this to him." Trevil says. But then they all hear a caw. They all look over and the eagle flies over to them and snatches the diamond from Yellow Leaders hand. "Whoa!" Green Steve exclaims. The eagle caws at Leroy. He looks over and then the eagle flies over him and gives him the diamond. Leroy looked at both the Rainbow Diamond and the Navy Diamond. Wrath Steve stared at him. He tried to rush at him to get the diamond but then the eagle screeches and scratches Wrath Steve. Then the eagle lands on Leroy's shoulder. Leroy was very hesitant about becoming Rainbow Steve. Wrath Steve tries to punch him down. But Leroy dodges. Leroy lands on the building Wrath Steve crashed on. He nods at the eagle and it flies off to stay safe. Then Wrath Steve grabs the diamond and tries to get it from Leroy. They wrestle for the diamond. The others were watching in shock. Leroy kicks Wrath Steve and he staggers back. But then he punches down Leroy causing him to lose the Rainbow Diamond. But then Rocky appears. She looks down at the Rainbow Diamond. "Rocky! Go now!" Leroy exclaims. Rocky looks at both Wrath Steve and Leroy then she grabs the Rainbow Diamond. Wrath Steve growls and chases after her. "Rocky! Run!" Leroy shouts. Rocky runs as fast as she can. She knew a route to get back to Leroy and give the Rainbow Diamond back to him. Leroy flies back up in the air. Rocky gets to the edge of the building and throws the rainbow diamond to Leroy. He chuckles. "Good girl!" He shouts. But then, Wrath Steve grabs Rocky by the tail. Leroy gasps. "Rocky!" He shouts. He tried to go get her but then Wrath Steve summons a darkness tentacle keeping him from coming at them. Wrath Steve looks at Rocky angrily. He unsheathes his sword and puts it up to Rocky's face. Leroy tried to break free but the tentacle was too strong this time. Wrath Steve raised his sword. Rocky looked at Leroy and barked. He gasped. But, Wrath Steve brings down his sword and stabs Rocky through the chest. Everyone gasps. Nickle put her hands over her mouth in complete shock and emotion. Leroy stares in shock and emotion too. Wrath Steve drops Rocky and she falls to the ground dead. Leroy finally broke free from the tentacle and knocked Wrath Steve away from Rocky. Leroy looked down at Rocky sadly. He kneels down and grabs her holding her in his arms for the longest time. Wrath Steve jumped off the building and was about to go for Leroy's friends. Leroy finally had enough. He was now very raged. He puts Rocky down on the ground and slams himself into the ground behind Wrath Steve. Leroy stands back up. "I'm done with you." He says angrily. He resummoned the Rainbow Diamond and then finally worked up the strength to use it. The Rainbow Diamond glowed a bright rainbow color and absorbed into Leroy. Wrath Steve gasped and stared in shock. Leroy had kneeled from the amount of energy he used to absorb it. His yellow color turned to Rainbow, the power from the core made his eyes go red, the navy diamond shielded his heart to keep him safe and Leroy became the fifth hero.

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