The Flower Drops

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Leroy returns to the center of the town. Nickle and Trevil also come back as well. "Leroy, where's Hunter Green Steve?" Nickle asks. "I don't know. We split up to look for Wrath Steve." Leroy says. "Uh oh." Trevil says. But then lighting strikes near them. Hunter Green Steve was there. "Hunter! Are you alright?" Nickle asks. Hunter Green Steve stands up which showed his bite wound. They all gasped. "Oh my god! What happened to you?" Trevil asks. "Wrath Steve bit me in the chest." Hunter Green Steve says. Nickle gasps. "Oh god." Leroy says. "I'm sorry. I tried to fight him off but he got me." Hunter Green Steve says. "Don't be sorry. I was really hoping this wouldn't happen though." Leroy says. "I know." Hunter Green Steve says. But then they all hear a caw. The eagle flies over them then drops something. Leroy kneels down and picks it up. He gasps at what he saw though. It was Innocent Orange Steves flower crown. It wasn't destroyed. It barely even looked like the flowers had died too. Leroy looked up at the eagle. It looked at him sadly. "How did he know about this?" He said. Hunter Green Steve was also shocked. "What is that Leroy?" Nickle asks. "It's Innocent Orange Steves flower crown. I have no idea how it found it though." Leroy says looking at the eagle for a second. Nickle gasps. "I made this for Innocent Orange Steve the first time I met him. We first met in the flower field and I was able to make it for him. I can't believe it's still intact." He says. "Again. I'm very sorry that happened to you Leroy. I know you loved Innocent Orange Steve." Nickle says. Trevil and Hunter Green Steve put their heads down. Leroy puts away the flower crown. "That flower crown must be very personal to you Leroy. I'm just glad you have it back finally." Nickle says. "It is. I wasn't expecting to get my hands on it again though. I thought it was destroyed after Innocent Orange Steve fell from the citadel." Leroy says. The eagle flies down and lands on his shoulder. "I think that eagle is getting attached to you now." Trevil says jokingly. Leroy chuckles. "This is how Rocky acts. She's very clingy." He says. They all laugh a bit. "We have to be ready for Wrath Steve to arrive." Nickle says. "Yes. Everyone get ready, alright?" Leroy asks. They all agree and get everyone along with themselves prepared.

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