Hiding In The Forest

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Leroy and the others decided to head out to the forest to hide out. Ash had been taken to the hospital to get some help. Chips had also gotten medical help. She was limping from her knee wound. Leroy and the others set up a campsite in the forest. "We'll stay here for the meantime at least until the police let us back into Nickle's house." Hunter Green Steve says. They all agreed to do that. Leroy helped with gathering wood for the camp fire and Hunter Green Steve was able to light it. Leroy looked up at the sky. He noticed how the stars were forming shapes. "Why do the stars do that?" He asks. Nickle looks at him. "Do what?" She asks looking up at the stars. "Form shapes." Leroy says. "Oh. That's called a constellation. A rare type of thing you see when stars form shapes. Normally we see something called the Big Dipper but sometimes we see other shapes as well." Nickle says putting her hands on her hips. Leroy looks at Nickle and noticed something on her jacket. "What's that on your jacket?" He asks. She looks at it and reveals a pride heart pin. "This?" She asks. "Yeah. It's a rainbow heart." Leroy says. "A pride heart to be exact. Ash wears a similar one except it's in a pansexual color as she is pansexual." She says. "Oh. I never knew that." He says. "Yeah. She doesn't like to admit it often as not everyone accepts our sexualities." She says. "Why not? Shouldn't everyone accept anyone?" Leroy asks. "Apparently not everyone does. We've met a few people ourselves that are like that and it's hard to have to go through something like that. We hate it." She says sadly. Leroy puts his head down. "I'm sorry you have to go through that sometimes. That's rough." He says. "Yeah. But people are like that sometimes. I don't know why but still." She says. "Well. I guess we can't speak for everyone." He says. Nickle nods. "Well, I'm about to go to bed. Are you?" She asks. "Yeah. Here in a bit." He says. "Okay. Well goodnight." She says. "Goodnight." He says. She goes inside one of the tents to get some rest. Leroy sets some firewood on the ground for tomorrow. He looks over and then notices Hunter Green Steve sitting on a log on the ground in the distance. He walks over to him. Leroy sits down next to Hunter Green Steve. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Not really." Hunter Green Steve says. "What's wrong?" Leroy asks. "I've just been thinking about what's going on. Ash was just attacked and almost killed like Nickle and now everything feels like it's going down hill from what we thought." Hunter Green Steve says. "I know. But we will be alright." Leroy says putting his hand on Hunter Green Steves shoulder. They fall silent for a moment. "Leroy." Hunter Green Steve says. Leroy looks at him. "Yes?" He asks. "Remember Red Steve?" Hunter Green Steve asks. "Yeah I do. I still really miss him." Leroy says. "I bet. But I have to tell you my story on why he means so much to me." Hunter Green Steve says.

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