The End

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Leroy was waiting for the Yellow Leader to come back after he informs the Yellow Steves that a coronation was being held for Leroy to become to new king. He looked over and then saw Shadow Sabre again. "What are you doing here?" Leroy asks. "I normally don't say this but I have seen how strong you were against Wrath Steve. I guess I have also changed from being a villain to a good guy. I guess your sacrifice and Sabre's sacrifice changed me." Shadow Sabre says leaning against the wall. Leroy sighs. "I believe anyone can change at some point. Eternal Dark King did." He says. "He did. You're right. Since Wrath Steve is gone, the darkness or at least the parts of it that have been evoked by him have disappeared. But now, you've changed as well Leroy. You're becoming the king of the yellow steves. Good luck out there Leroy." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy nods. "Stay out of sight for now. But you're still going to stay in my mind right?" He asks. "Yeah I will." Shadow Sabre says. He then disappears. Yellow Leader then returns with Leroy's other friends. "Are you ready Leroy?" Yellow Leader asks. Leroy looks at his other friends. They all nod. He sighs and nods. Yellow Leader took off his helmet and put it on Leroy's head. They all went outside. Leroy looked down at all the Yellow Steves. They all hear a screech. The eagle returns to the yellow kingdom and lands on Leroy's shoulder. Leroy chuckles. Ash looked at Nickle. She looked back. "What?" She asks. "Nothing. I'm just glad Leroy has always been brave. He's always been strong. And so have you." Ash says. Nickle smiles. She wraps her arm around Ash and pulls her closer. Hunter Green Steve walked closer to Trevil. "You alright?" He asks. "I'm fine. It's nice to see how Leroy has grown and now look where he is at. I know he will never give up." Trevil says. "I've always known that. None of us will give up. We're all strong and brave." Hunter Green Steve says. Trevil nods but then puts his head down. Hunter Green Steve looks at him again. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I don't really know how brave I am. Like, people say I should become to new leader of the Navy Kingdom but would that be a good idea?" Trevil asks. "I guess you and Leroy share the same fear. I think you would do good as the new leader. Plus, you were strong enough to take on Wrath Steve with us. Plus, I think the name Lord Trevil suits you better." Hunter Green Steve says. Trevil smiles. Chips looks at Nickle and Ash. She chuckles. "I think those two will go pretty far." She says. Professor Red looks at her. He chuckles too. "I hope they do." He says. Chips looks at him and nods. "I'm pretty sure they will. They're pretty close anyway." She says. "Sorry. I don't know too much about their relationship." Professor Red says. "We'll introduce you to Earth. Who knows? Maybe you can find stuff there and like to invent some stuff for Earth." Chips says. Professor Red smiles and nods. Leroy looks up at the sky. "Thank you." He says hoping his deceased friends could hear him. He then felt their presence next to him. Leroy smiles. He gestures for his friends to come to the edge as well. They all walk over. Leroy steps up. He takes a deep breath. Then he screams once again, "LEROY!" All the yellow steves bow to Leroy as their new king. The eagle screeches. His friends also bowed to him as well. Leroy smiled. He knew he was the rightful king and will carry on the Yellow Leaders legacy until it is time to pass the torch again. A thing to remember is that you should never give up on fulfilling your dreams. Hold your head up high and don't back down. Stay strong and don't ever give up. Anyone can fulfill their dreams and they shouldn't give up even if things seem tough and if you fear that you may not be perfect for the role, still don't give up on trying. Everything will be okay. They will always believe in you.
The End

The Darkness Returns part 2 Book 4#Where stories live. Discover now